Here. it took me only two weeks, but I did. This meme is really nice!
Comment by "Colorama", and give you a color. And then you'll need to post ten things of that color that you like.
Happy reading!
Clothes flax is incredibly sexy. The ivory linen on tanned skin is even more. the photo does not do justice, but be patient, eh ... XD
2) Burn wood soapstone
Around October I remember hippies have a soul and unearthed from the dust of the burning wood that I have around the house (harsh and masculine essences, thank you. The kind of citrus, white or green tea and so on). My favorite is wood burning steel, mostly because I'm lazy and distracted, and if I forget to fill it with water does not explode, but those are soapstone meraviglioserrimi! (I know this seems gray, but believe the word, the soapstone is ivory-white!)
3) Christmas decoration
Nothing red, gold or something. For me the Christmas decorations are ivory. And silver ... ;-)
4) Dough
bread. And good, too, tzk!
5) bedspread Lori
When I go to Lori in the summer, this is where I sleep on the bed bedding sand / ivory, which to me means indiscriminately holiday / summer / serenity and above all ... Lori.
6) Cheese
luscious, yes. The Brie is one of the gifts of heaven ...
7) Charter
Despite the fact that now I write almost exclusively with the keyboard, I have always had a passion for a certain type of stationery and a little pussy 'snob, such as fountain pens and parchment or ivory paper.
8) béchamel
As I said, I'm greedy. And in the kitchen are pretty good. Despite this, the béchamel to raise the dead as did my grandmother have never, never managed to do it.
9) Enamel
When I do not have long nails (ie for 11 months a year ...) I tend to use these smaltino ivory / pearl that have the undeniable advantage of a long resistance to chipping and good masking signs and trouble ... XD
10) Sacred Cat of Burma
* My favorite cat in the world *. I love this race, is incredible elegance and arrogance of the Burmese cat is the nth degree.
1) Hard Disc
I vaguely sick of technology. I also have a phobia that he has never enough space. This toy, which I donated before the summer is a lovely tera and a half of space to fill. Yay!
2) Slytherin
Because, in case you forgot you had, the colors are green and silver Slytherin house. I confess candidly that a pin in the shape of a snake I like it cost a lot and if not absurd, I probably would have also already bought ...
3) Coffee machine
are caffeine-dependent and fatally lazy. In your opinion, the combination of these two product's wrong, when my house is entered this coffee machine? Oh, and is fully automatic ...
4) fountain pen
About what I said for ivory, I have always loved fountain pens. With a clear preference for pens and immersion for those to be loaded with ink. Unfamiliar with, I realize, in fact, tend to use more frequently the most common, with the cartridges ready. But I used them to university. If they are silver and are loaded with sepia ink or green, I would seriously consider to stop using the keyboard for a few hours ...
5) Christmas Lights
More silver and cold (like shades) are better.
6) Pendant
Grace is very proud of gingillino which was bought this summer. And no, the fact that the English that I sold it was cute and that I would give him a couple of bites is not important ...
7) The lake with clouds
We need to explain? The curious thing is that, depending on the type of clouds, the serenity shade silver can turn steel or lead. Okay, let me introduce itself to the mental health center, quiet.
8) Cigarette
was my grandmother. It is one of the items snobby and conceited that I've ever owned / used. And of course I love with all of myself ...
9) E-book
(Okay, I cheated, this is only part of silver, but I'm sure
10) Rings
am a woman with low maintenance: the jewels that I love most tend steel jewelry or silver objects (For God's sake, gold white mica and platinum make me sick, but I said, are low maintenance ...) I have a great passion for rings and a small personal ritual: I always try to buy one wherever I go, even for a weekend. If you only have ten fingers available in the hands, I recently started to engage even those feet ...
1) Eggplant
God, goodness! Them in any event!
2) Sheets
I love the cool colors for bedding. The blues, greens, blues and especially the purple!
3) Pen
my pen. The one I use almost every day to correct!
4) Plums
Another gift from heaven, but only if the month of september, sweet and sour at the same time.
5) Towels
As for bedding, room for cool colors. Viola then ... Prrrrrrrrrr ...
6) Tampere
see a bottle or a splash of purple tempera me pouring of bile causes unhealthy because it is a color with which I'd love to paint, if you only knew how to use the time to do something other than the stain ...
7) Duroni
*Gurgle* Se ne avessi davanti un cesto da dieci chili, con calma e con metodo potrei serenamente mangiarmeli tutti. E poi morire felice, ovviamente.
8) Cravatte
Mi piacciono le cravatte viola, lo confesso. E allora? XD
9) Glicine
Okay, anche qui ho barato, perché il glicine è... beh, è glicine , non viola, ma non ho saputo resistere. Uno dei miei fiori (e dei miei profumi) preferiti.
10) Rossetto
zoccoleggiante I have a vague instinct when it comes to choosing the colors with which make-up. The purple lipstick has always been a cost to me, even as a teenager, when my classmates at most a dare a little pink Barbie 'repulsive ... XD.
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