OOC, Mary Sue and sclero various
Well, no, basically I have nothing to say, I just felt that this page I've created a prey to delusions of boredom was a little empty. That's it.
The truth is I was thinking about something very stupid, but I've got the heart, which is rampant in the OOC fanfiction. As I discussed a few days ago with a girl. I put a premise: I'm one that cares if a character is almost totally unable to turn it around. But I do not mean to make fun of putting it in the sense in situations idiotic, because what I did, and I will always do it with anyone and then I also accept that anyone else does. The thing that bothers me is the fact that recently a big-too-big piece of fanfiction that contains characters that I encounter, no target to offend, they suck. At least, compared to the original ones are crying. For my part, I lead the 'sudden urge to leave the review of construction-infamous claim that all, but I do not think they'd love to hear-even if the laziness and "live and let live" take over. I'm just fanfiction. But, yes, it hits me a lot. Also because it is not just isolated cases, maybe! - But as I said at least 60% of fic coming out now. And I was good, too good. Especially with reference to the beloved section of Kingdom Hearts, who only attended less than facebook and also in public. And the beloved Organization XIII.
I mean, honestly, I think the thing that is slightly warped. I understand fans being crazy, but ... In short, these poor fellows have no more dignity. For some it is still good in the sense that they appear so often so that even if at times have hurt you put a lid on it. And here we are talking about people like Axel, Roxas, Demyx. Because they are suitable for all, where you put them are fine, they are kids so you can make anything you want. Without hope that I read, of course, but is not serious, do not read what I read others.
also tell it clearly: I do not like Axel. Like little, just enough to put it in the stories when needed. True that I've made a BDT, but drabble, one hundred words, hurry fast (oh my God, are 100, not so fast XD but I have fun, come on). So we understand very well which side I am.
Axel, as I said, it is used so often that fanfiction in which they are found almost inevitably IC. But what about those who appear every blue moon? Lexaeus he gets, his version of fanon is silent then says nothing more than 's whole story. But others .... sigh! Xemnas, Zexion, Vexen, Marluxia, characters that I love more of a 'more and are characterized .... You know the 'killer instinct? Their versions fanon I do this effect. I read some "things" and get to the end with the jaw to the floor and eyes now go out of their sockets, they do appear to be in the hands and feet and beat writers. And I can only think, "My God, what the hell I just read" or something similar, but mostly I just shake my head and remember to think twice before reading qulcos' atro same author. Even explain how we will deal with these characters, you already know. In the limit went to look for videos on youtube and Fed Giuli, and you have the originals from which they were copied to the characterizations of the fic. Yes, please copy. Spit. Not even a minimum of imagination, even now the situations are the same, to the point that I begin to wonder if a lot of fan fiction by various authors are in fact the same person that makes so many copy and paste, change a few details and the public in five or six different nicks .
Or am I something wrong ... But really, it makes me fall down arms' s idea that Xemnas Vexen or IC are fic in two out of ten. Including my own. Maybe not write for perfection, but I am committed in what I do to get a result as similar as possible to 'original. And people are mad, or does not know what he says when I reviewed, or really get the desired result.
Come on, really.
Related to this is also the increasingly widespread phenomenon mary-sue. I think everyone knows that the term "Mary Sue" is going to define a character of an invention of the writer / matrix which, when placed in a primitive, took the reins of history, and resolves, with many difficulties' and adventures, complicated mysteries. In the most 'optimistic outlook will also have' also at his side, the most coveted girl or boy in the story. In addition, it will be 'with extraordinary powers and beauty incomparable, will ', without doubt, capable of taming any fair and be loved by every male character if not the entire team. Course will hide 'untold secrets and thanks to his wonderful intervention will save' the world.
Mary Sue in 'Kingdom Hearts universe, just to stay on the subject are a few possibilities.
-the newest member of 'Organization, chick who runs away from home and questions his own existence, which has only the name of Nobody with X, which has more emotions of a human being. But there is already Roxas that he does first, better and with greater commitment of any squinzietta emo / existentialist.
- Disciple Ansem the wise, intelligent, but by dark secrets. But we have six, who have combined worst of Hurricane Katrina, which you can write about anything and everything.
- Last but not least: the guardian of kayblade chosen to save the worlds. But .. and Sora? Sora already does its job without problems.
Ok, in many cases it is necessary to invent new characters in 'original lacks. Like, say, the ice cream dealer DiZ. You can not put Cloud to make the milkman. You have to invent. And so if you want to do a what if? with new guardians of the keyblade. But it must be something new, not a clone official character.
Some of the original. Maybe not you Axel. O Demyx. O Zexion. For goodness sake, are the latest to question the appeal of Zexion, and there are many advantages in a guy nobody, one in particular. The marks date back to school. No fear of hurting her feelings. No Sunday to get bored waiting for it to end to watch the football game. No risk of stomach to put up or lose their hair. Creative uses of illusion.
course there is the risk of an exponential increase in traumatic deaths among neighbors. And imagine presenting it to friends and relatives: "It 's an alien, more or less hostile. Try not to irritate because it has a habit of breaking my heart to people or imprisonment in a book. "
Why, why, why, every new female character appoliparsi looking for someone? Then do not try to make speeches about how the emotions have not Nobody. Or have or do not. It is not that they have, but only in dramatic moments, while in normal humans can afford to do. Oh no.
'I do not have emotions, but m'incazzo, hate the people and fight to live.' No, man. You do not have emotions, so do not t'incazzi, not hate, you have no ambitions, you have no curiosity, you do not want, when you're not afraid of a hit to death with a spanner. You stand there, with all the personality and the reactivity of a pudding. This is without. Not worth even the explanation: 'I have only memories of the emotions, so what I feel are false'. Emotions are a psychological state, not ancillary. Can not be false. If you feel they are still true and there is nothing strange about that are caused by memories. Indeed, can be caused by memories of an event, when it happened, had caused different emotions. This also works in the world KH, as Sora, Riku and Kairi feel emotions remembering his friends. So, it makes no sense that what applies to them can not apply to others. Now, do not exclude that there is a difference, but if it is not explained, I reserve the Directive to consider crap. And 'why is it so' do not think an explanation.
Sometimes, to show the lack of emotions of nobody, they do become sadistic, masochistic, depressed. When later you becomes histrionic or sociopathic, ignoring the fact that these personality disorders are associated rather to an excess of emotion, not its absence. And this I caught in some of the stories listed.
Then there are the usual exceptions. Ok, that's fine if you explain why these are the exceptions and no, that is to say that Roxas is Sora because evidence was human emotions, because I can answer that is Xehanort, then, by analogy, should Xemnas Except as Roxas. But no. Why?
And Axel? Because in millemila fanfiction concerning him is excluded emotional apathy of others?
When I find things like that to me is the effect of a punch in the face. How ... boh, worse than the story set during World War I where the people talking on the phone.
The internal consistency is essential. A story can be set in a world more or less realistic, more or less possible. The important thing is that once established the laws that govern it, whatever they are, the more respectable and if for some reason, they crash, you have to give reasons why, it consistently, do not throw things there random without that they have a source and a consequence. This also applies to the consistency of character, psychological and historical. If not, it's just bad bad characterization and contextualization.
Unfortunately, there are very few cases. Maybe because it's not something blatantly obvious, and if the servant of the Marne with the Motorola peck it all, I'm not sure that everyone knows what it speaks when it comes to emotions. Or maybe because the explanation is considered canon, although the canon, in fact, saved smartly for a corner. I will not explain this because I do not like, who wants to know knows.
And I will stop this thing because I already have written it more for me, if someone came up to the end has my respect!
I must say that I have done as a reopening xD nice discorsone
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Brazilian Cheron 32 Cup
OOC, Mary Sue and sclero various
Well, no, basically I have nothing to say, I just felt that this page I've created a prey to delusions of boredom was a little empty. That's it.
The truth is I was thinking about something very stupid, but I've got the heart, which is rampant in the OOC fanfiction. As I discussed a few days ago with a girl. I put a premise: I'm one that cares if a character is almost totally unable to turn it around. But I do not mean to make fun of putting it in the sense in situations idiotic, because what I did, and I will always do it with anyone and then I also accept that anyone else does. The thing that bothers me is the fact that recently a big-too-big piece of fanfiction that contains characters that I encounter, no target to offend, they suck. At least, compared to the original ones are crying. For my part, I lead the 'sudden urge to leave the review of construction-infamous claim that all, but I do not think they'd love to hear-even if the laziness and "live and let live" take over. I'm just fanfiction. But, yes, it hits me a lot. Also because it is not just isolated cases, maybe! - But as I said at least 60% of fic coming out now. And I was good, too good. Especially with reference to the beloved section of Kingdom Hearts, who only attended less than facebook and also in public. And the beloved Organization XIII.
I mean, honestly, I think the thing that is slightly warped. I understand fans being crazy, but ... In short, these poor fellows have no more dignity. For some it is still good in the sense that they appear so often so that even if at times have hurt you put a lid on it. And here we are talking about people like Axel, Roxas, Demyx. Because they are suitable for all, where you put them are fine, they are kids so you can make anything you want. Without hope that I read, of course, but is not serious, do not read what I read others.
also tell it clearly: I do not like Axel. Like little, just enough to put it in the stories when needed. True that I've made a BDT, but drabble, one hundred words, hurry fast (oh my God, are 100, not so fast XD but I have fun, come on). So we understand very well which side I am.
Axel, as I said, it is used so often that fanfiction in which they are found almost inevitably IC. But what about those who appear every blue moon? Lexaeus he gets, his version of fanon is silent then says nothing more than 's whole story. But others .... sigh! Xemnas, Zexion, Vexen, Marluxia, characters that I love more of a 'more and are characterized .... You know the 'killer instinct? Their versions fanon I do this effect. I read some "things" and get to the end with the jaw to the floor and eyes now go out of their sockets, they do appear to be in the hands and feet and beat writers. And I can only think, "My God, what the hell I just read" or something similar, but mostly I just shake my head and remember to think twice before reading qulcos' atro same author. Even explain how we will deal with these characters, you already know. In the limit went to look for videos on youtube and Fed Giuli, and you have the originals from which they were copied to the characterizations of the fic. Yes, please copy. Spit. Not even a minimum of imagination, even now the situations are the same, to the point that I begin to wonder if a lot of fan fiction by various authors are in fact the same person that makes so many copy and paste, change a few details and the public in five or six different nicks .
Or am I something wrong ... But really, it makes me fall down arms' s idea that Xemnas Vexen or IC are fic in two out of ten. Including my own. Maybe not write for perfection, but I am committed in what I do to get a result as similar as possible to 'original. And people are mad, or does not know what he says when I reviewed, or really get the desired result.
Come on, really.
Related to this is also the increasingly widespread phenomenon mary-sue. I think everyone knows that the term "Mary Sue" is going to define a character of an invention of the writer / matrix which, when placed in a primitive, took the reins of history, and resolves, with many difficulties' and adventures, complicated mysteries. In the most 'optimistic outlook will also have' also at his side, the most coveted girl or boy in the story. In addition, it will be 'with extraordinary powers and beauty incomparable, will ', without doubt, capable of taming any fair and be loved by every male character if not the entire team. Course will hide 'untold secrets and thanks to his wonderful intervention will save' the world.
Mary Sue in 'Kingdom Hearts universe, just to stay on the subject are a few possibilities.
-the newest member of 'Organization, chick who runs away from home and questions his own existence, which has only the name of Nobody with X, which has more emotions of a human being. But there is already Roxas that he does first, better and with greater commitment of any squinzietta emo / existentialist.
- Disciple Ansem the wise, intelligent, but by dark secrets. But we have six, who have combined worst of Hurricane Katrina, which you can write about anything and everything.
- Last but not least: the guardian of kayblade chosen to save the worlds. But .. and Sora? Sora already does its job without problems.
Ok, in many cases it is necessary to invent new characters in 'original lacks. Like, say, the ice cream dealer DiZ. You can not put Cloud to make the milkman. You have to invent. And so if you want to do a what if? with new guardians of the keyblade. But it must be something new, not a clone official character.
Some of the original. Maybe not you Axel. O Demyx. O Zexion. For goodness sake, are the latest to question the appeal of Zexion, and there are many advantages in a guy nobody, one in particular. The marks date back to school. No fear of hurting her feelings. No Sunday to get bored waiting for it to end to watch the football game. No risk of stomach to put up or lose their hair. Creative uses of illusion.
course there is the risk of an exponential increase in traumatic deaths among neighbors. And imagine presenting it to friends and relatives: "It 's an alien, more or less hostile. Try not to irritate because it has a habit of breaking my heart to people or imprisonment in a book. "
Why, why, why, every new female character appoliparsi looking for someone? Then do not try to make speeches about how the emotions have not Nobody. Or have or do not. It is not that they have, but only in dramatic moments, while in normal humans can afford to do. Oh no.
'I do not have emotions, but m'incazzo, hate the people and fight to live.' No, man. You do not have emotions, so do not t'incazzi, not hate, you have no ambitions, you have no curiosity, you do not want, when you're not afraid of a hit to death with a spanner. You stand there, with all the personality and the reactivity of a pudding. This is without. Not worth even the explanation: 'I have only memories of the emotions, so what I feel are false'. Emotions are a psychological state, not ancillary. Can not be false. If you feel they are still true and there is nothing strange about that are caused by memories. Indeed, can be caused by memories of an event, when it happened, had caused different emotions. This also works in the world KH, as Sora, Riku and Kairi feel emotions remembering his friends. So, it makes no sense that what applies to them can not apply to others. Now, do not exclude that there is a difference, but if it is not explained, I reserve the Directive to consider crap. And 'why is it so' do not think an explanation.
Sometimes, to show the lack of emotions of nobody, they do become sadistic, masochistic, depressed. When later you becomes histrionic or sociopathic, ignoring the fact that these personality disorders are associated rather to an excess of emotion, not its absence. And this I caught in some of the stories listed.
Then there are the usual exceptions. Ok, that's fine if you explain why these are the exceptions and no, that is to say that Roxas is Sora because evidence was human emotions, because I can answer that is Xehanort, then, by analogy, should Xemnas Except as Roxas. But no. Why?
And Axel? Because in millemila fanfiction concerning him is excluded emotional apathy of others?
When I find things like that to me is the effect of a punch in the face. How ... boh, worse than the story set during World War I where the people talking on the phone.
The internal consistency is essential. A story can be set in a world more or less realistic, more or less possible. The important thing is that once established the laws that govern it, whatever they are, the more respectable and if for some reason, they crash, you have to give reasons why, it consistently, do not throw things there random without that they have a source and a consequence. This also applies to the consistency of character, psychological and historical. If not, it's just bad bad characterization and contextualization.
Unfortunately, there are very few cases. Maybe because it's not something blatantly obvious, and if the servant of the Marne with the Motorola peck it all, I'm not sure that everyone knows what it speaks when it comes to emotions. Or maybe because the explanation is considered canon, although the canon, in fact, saved smartly for a corner. I will not explain this because I do not like, who wants to know knows.
And I will stop this thing because I already have written it more for me, if someone came up to the end has my respect!
I must say that I have done as a reopening xD nice discorsone
Well, no, basically I have nothing to say, I just felt that this page I've created a prey to delusions of boredom was a little empty. That's it.
The truth is I was thinking about something very stupid, but I've got the heart, which is rampant in the OOC fanfiction. As I discussed a few days ago with a girl. I put a premise: I'm one that cares if a character is almost totally unable to turn it around. But I do not mean to make fun of putting it in the sense in situations idiotic, because what I did, and I will always do it with anyone and then I also accept that anyone else does. The thing that bothers me is the fact that recently a big-too-big piece of fanfiction that contains characters that I encounter, no target to offend, they suck. At least, compared to the original ones are crying. For my part, I lead the 'sudden urge to leave the review of construction-infamous claim that all, but I do not think they'd love to hear-even if the laziness and "live and let live" take over. I'm just fanfiction. But, yes, it hits me a lot. Also because it is not just isolated cases, maybe! - But as I said at least 60% of fic coming out now. And I was good, too good. Especially with reference to the beloved section of Kingdom Hearts, who only attended less than facebook and also in public. And the beloved Organization XIII.
I mean, honestly, I think the thing that is slightly warped. I understand fans being crazy, but ... In short, these poor fellows have no more dignity. For some it is still good in the sense that they appear so often so that even if at times have hurt you put a lid on it. And here we are talking about people like Axel, Roxas, Demyx. Because they are suitable for all, where you put them are fine, they are kids so you can make anything you want. Without hope that I read, of course, but is not serious, do not read what I read others.
also tell it clearly: I do not like Axel. Like little, just enough to put it in the stories when needed. True that I've made a BDT, but drabble, one hundred words, hurry fast (oh my God, are 100, not so fast XD but I have fun, come on). So we understand very well which side I am.
Axel, as I said, it is used so often that fanfiction in which they are found almost inevitably IC. But what about those who appear every blue moon? Lexaeus he gets, his version of fanon is silent then says nothing more than 's whole story. But others .... sigh! Xemnas, Zexion, Vexen, Marluxia, characters that I love more of a 'more and are characterized .... You know the 'killer instinct? Their versions fanon I do this effect. I read some "things" and get to the end with the jaw to the floor and eyes now go out of their sockets, they do appear to be in the hands and feet and beat writers. And I can only think, "My God, what the hell I just read" or something similar, but mostly I just shake my head and remember to think twice before reading qulcos' atro same author. Even explain how we will deal with these characters, you already know. In the limit went to look for videos on youtube and Fed Giuli, and you have the originals from which they were copied to the characterizations of the fic. Yes, please copy. Spit. Not even a minimum of imagination, even now the situations are the same, to the point that I begin to wonder if a lot of fan fiction by various authors are in fact the same person that makes so many copy and paste, change a few details and the public in five or six different nicks .
Or am I something wrong ... But really, it makes me fall down arms' s idea that Xemnas Vexen or IC are fic in two out of ten. Including my own. Maybe not write for perfection, but I am committed in what I do to get a result as similar as possible to 'original. And people are mad, or does not know what he says when I reviewed, or really get the desired result.
Come on, really.
Related to this is also the increasingly widespread phenomenon mary-sue. I think everyone knows that the term "Mary Sue" is going to define a character of an invention of the writer / matrix which, when placed in a primitive, took the reins of history, and resolves, with many difficulties' and adventures, complicated mysteries. In the most 'optimistic outlook will also have' also at his side, the most coveted girl or boy in the story. In addition, it will be 'with extraordinary powers and beauty incomparable, will ', without doubt, capable of taming any fair and be loved by every male character if not the entire team. Course will hide 'untold secrets and thanks to his wonderful intervention will save' the world.
Mary Sue in 'Kingdom Hearts universe, just to stay on the subject are a few possibilities.
-the newest member of 'Organization, chick who runs away from home and questions his own existence, which has only the name of Nobody with X, which has more emotions of a human being. But there is already Roxas that he does first, better and with greater commitment of any squinzietta emo / existentialist.
- Disciple Ansem the wise, intelligent, but by dark secrets. But we have six, who have combined worst of Hurricane Katrina, which you can write about anything and everything.
- Last but not least: the guardian of kayblade chosen to save the worlds. But .. and Sora? Sora already does its job without problems.
Ok, in many cases it is necessary to invent new characters in 'original lacks. Like, say, the ice cream dealer DiZ. You can not put Cloud to make the milkman. You have to invent. And so if you want to do a what if? with new guardians of the keyblade. But it must be something new, not a clone official character.
Some of the original. Maybe not you Axel. O Demyx. O Zexion. For goodness sake, are the latest to question the appeal of Zexion, and there are many advantages in a guy nobody, one in particular. The marks date back to school. No fear of hurting her feelings. No Sunday to get bored waiting for it to end to watch the football game. No risk of stomach to put up or lose their hair. Creative uses of illusion.
course there is the risk of an exponential increase in traumatic deaths among neighbors. And imagine presenting it to friends and relatives: "It 's an alien, more or less hostile. Try not to irritate because it has a habit of breaking my heart to people or imprisonment in a book. "
Why, why, why, every new female character appoliparsi looking for someone? Then do not try to make speeches about how the emotions have not Nobody. Or have or do not. It is not that they have, but only in dramatic moments, while in normal humans can afford to do. Oh no.
'I do not have emotions, but m'incazzo, hate the people and fight to live.' No, man. You do not have emotions, so do not t'incazzi, not hate, you have no ambitions, you have no curiosity, you do not want, when you're not afraid of a hit to death with a spanner. You stand there, with all the personality and the reactivity of a pudding. This is without. Not worth even the explanation: 'I have only memories of the emotions, so what I feel are false'. Emotions are a psychological state, not ancillary. Can not be false. If you feel they are still true and there is nothing strange about that are caused by memories. Indeed, can be caused by memories of an event, when it happened, had caused different emotions. This also works in the world KH, as Sora, Riku and Kairi feel emotions remembering his friends. So, it makes no sense that what applies to them can not apply to others. Now, do not exclude that there is a difference, but if it is not explained, I reserve the Directive to consider crap. And 'why is it so' do not think an explanation.
Sometimes, to show the lack of emotions of nobody, they do become sadistic, masochistic, depressed. When later you becomes histrionic or sociopathic, ignoring the fact that these personality disorders are associated rather to an excess of emotion, not its absence. And this I caught in some of the stories listed.
Then there are the usual exceptions. Ok, that's fine if you explain why these are the exceptions and no, that is to say that Roxas is Sora because evidence was human emotions, because I can answer that is Xehanort, then, by analogy, should Xemnas Except as Roxas. But no. Why?
And Axel? Because in millemila fanfiction concerning him is excluded emotional apathy of others?
When I find things like that to me is the effect of a punch in the face. How ... boh, worse than the story set during World War I where the people talking on the phone.
The internal consistency is essential. A story can be set in a world more or less realistic, more or less possible. The important thing is that once established the laws that govern it, whatever they are, the more respectable and if for some reason, they crash, you have to give reasons why, it consistently, do not throw things there random without that they have a source and a consequence. This also applies to the consistency of character, psychological and historical. If not, it's just bad bad characterization and contextualization.
Unfortunately, there are very few cases. Maybe because it's not something blatantly obvious, and if the servant of the Marne with the Motorola peck it all, I'm not sure that everyone knows what it speaks when it comes to emotions. Or maybe because the explanation is considered canon, although the canon, in fact, saved smartly for a corner. I will not explain this because I do not like, who wants to know knows.
And I will stop this thing because I already have written it more for me, if someone came up to the end has my respect!
I must say that I have done as a reopening xD nice discorsone
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Megan Goods Short Hair
DRAMA SUMMER 2010, my humble opinion
Anche se ormai la stagione è ampiamente finita, finalmente il post su i drama "summer 2010"
Who cares for a few more weeks, I have some on the PC, after which sayonara! ^ ^
A short list of the new season! ^ ^
Anche se ormai la stagione è ampiamente finita, finalmente il post su i drama "summer 2010"
- summer love shines in rainbow hues. I miei dubbi si sono rivelati fondati, simpatica, leggera, ben recitata ... ma niente di più. Se avete del tempo da perdere o siete fan di MatsuJun buttatevici a pesce. 6
- Joker Unforgiven investigators. Bello. Mi è veramente piaciuto. Lo consiglio a chiunque piaccia il genere. Polizia, criminali impuniti e un giustiziere al di fuori della legge. 8
- Japanese do not know Japanese. We want to talk about how they were represented 外人 / foreigners?! No Paul did not want to talk about (if that is Italian, then I am Japanese). Series discussing once again the professor-student relationship. Diversity?! This time the student is not a poor kid, but adult and foreign / otaku. Funny, maybe a little 'repetitive, and suitable for those studying Japanese. 5
- うぬぼれ 刑事. Bullshit! ^ ^ In style Nagase Tomoya (is it me or is only run drama like crazy!?). Funny (certainly those who liked his earlier work will find this also to his liking), perhaps a bit 'repetitive (very Coghlan Coghlan). 5
- ハンマー セッション. Once again a drama school (rather beat me Do not want to see them), perhaps in caricature version. Mokoma's character is fun and charming, the trio of ladro-cristiano/truffatore/otaku Toodai witty. E 'futile for meniamo, student-teacher relationship from now you can not escape. 4
Who cares for a few more weeks, I have some on the PC, after which sayonara! ^ ^
A short list of the new season! ^ ^
Monday, September 20, 2010
Foamy Urine Is Caused By
Thursday, September 16, 2010
How To Make A Blueprint On The Computer
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Breast Feeding Old Man
angle culinary
Hello everyone!
or even none if that is the number of my followers! ^ ^
probably will not write anything new ...
(the fact that I should study instead of sitting here writing, for some reason does not detract too much my conscience ... maybe if my hamster is eaten for breakfast! ^ ^)
proceed with the angle experiments ...
ok not at all beautiful ... but I'm sure the taste was all there ^ ^
Hello everyone!
or even none if that is the number of my followers! ^ ^
probably will not write anything new ...
(the fact that I should study instead of sitting here writing, for some reason does not detract too much my conscience ... maybe if my hamster is eaten for breakfast! ^ ^)
proceed with the angle experiments ...
ok not at all beautiful ... but I'm sure the taste was all there ^ ^
Saturday, September 11, 2010
How To Wacth A Full Movie
replies meme
Here I am, the various responses are under cut! For
characters of books that I hated so much
I have some trouble with this request, probably because for a long time now the books I read tend to have a dominant of irony and fun very strong, ergo the characters are interesting, intelligent, funny, cute, adorably stupid, but rarely unbearable. So I hope you will forgive me if I do a bit 'in my own way ... However, I realized that the characters are almost all women ...
5) Hermione Granger in "HP and the Deathly Hallows. " Honestly, Wondermione just did not hold water. Starting from the 'Accio "to grab the books on Horcruxes Dumbledore's office, to continue with the Memory Charm on her parents, she knows nothing of their own Oblivion, and so on. Annoying, really.
4) Zaphod Beeblebrox in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (any volume, at the choice ...). The truth is that Zaphod is not so much that irritates me (though not exactly make me mad). The fact is that, given the immensity of Marvin the depressed android, everything else disappears ... ;-)
3) Tiffany in "The intrepid and Tiffany Small Free Men." A little 'too-Miss-Hermione know-it-all, for my taste. I guess it's about what "The intrepid Tiffany" is one of the (rare) Pratchett books that I was not excited at all.
2) Susan Pevensie in "The Chronicles of Narnia." One word: troublesome. Or Marysue, a choice ...
1) Livia , the girlfriend of Montalbano in any book by Camilleri. In this unique and if not, I really felt the fierce instinct of slicing a character and make it to the grid. What a plague! A black cat in his underwear, I do not see what other definition can use ...
The five Draco of acting that I love most.
Behold, here I have to "cheat" in the sense that I have a first place tie, and an honorable mention. Forgive me, right honey? XD
I start from a special mention, which could not be none other than Olivia Lupin . Her Draco is meraviglioserrimo in any of his stories. Olivia is in love with Draco and it shows: his characterization is always intense and incredibly romantic, because if there is one thing that Olivia is second to none is the right characterization. The reason why his Draco is not finished in the top five is simply that all his stories, for better or for worse, are nothing more than studies of characters, in which the plot is entirely secondary importance. Are squares, often a few thousand words, where everything revolves around the character's evolution and its relationship with Harry. Capiamoci, it's not a criticism, but considering that the stories of Olivia are, in large part, pre fifth and sixth book, the fact is that the Draco Olivia OOC eventually be loosely compared to the fees, except for a handful of stories in which the war comes as powerfully and Draco scenario becomes more bleak, brittle and edgy.
4) Any history of Jennavere from "The Veela Enigma" to "Once upon a time trilogy" from "Intrepid Teenage Hero" to "Things That Go Meow in the night & rdquo ; . As to characterizations of Draco princess or diva in the silent mode, capricious, delicate, selfish, dramatic, ridiculous, loaded and at the same time strong, romantic, loyal, clever, intelligent and sincere with himself, (almost) no one can be behind Jenna. If we want to discuss the fact that, since the stories of Jenna always characterized by a fund ironic, comic and funny, that there is Draco vaguely incomplete compared to the fees we are slaughtered for hours. But it remains one of my top five, ever since.
3) "How Big Dick Quick" of Calanthe. It makes me go crazy. The inability to admit their deepest desires, for his relationship with his mother, his fixation with the haute couture Muggle, because it is sweet and whimsical, immature and confused, and especially a lot of subtle and transparent, so, so sexy . And so much pork, which never hurts ... XD
2) "Bite me, hate memes" of Pir8fancier. The only author able to give Jenna a hard time in terms of humor and characterization of Draco as queen of melodrama. And the wonderful thing is that this is admittedly a crack! Fic, ie, a history deliberately farcical that starts from an assumption that is little more than a pretext. But I can not help it, the Draco Bite me is a small masterpiece, thanks also to the characters that sensational Pir8fancier put the next, starting with Pansy.
1) tie in the first place I can put Secrets Vorabiza of Draco and the amazing universe of "Reparations and " Foundations " is Saras_girl. Meanwhile, I could not choose because there are two versions of Draco which differ in a fundamental aspect, in my opinion: the Draco of "Secrets" is a young boy and his affair with Harry is born, grows and strengthens while they are young and their lives in one way or another, have been connected and are still fully immersed in the period of Hogwarts. The Saras_girl of Draco, with everything that has a few more years, is an adult and its history with Harry grows well away from the war, after each has made choices, and life experiences are completely different paths and separated. The Vorabiza of Draco is immature, stubborn, fearful, possessive and needy being in the spotlight. At the same time is fun, subtle, sly and sarcastic, loyal and protective. The Saras_girl of Draco is a bit more dark and scarred by the experience, is tough and a little 'lonely, determined, surprising and unable to admit to being in difficulty. Yet both have that background of insecurity and fragility that makes them incredibly human in my eyes, and totally unforgettable. I do not think one case that I end up review cycles each of these three stories, in which, moreover, the characterization of Harry in no way inferior to that of Draco, and it is equally stellar and memorable.
And if someone asked if it was, yes, even the Saras_girl stories are in my to do list. Sooner or later I swear I start to translate, eh ... * blush *
Italian Songs
5) Fata Morgana of Litfiba.
I always go crazy for this song.
(However, I had never seen the video, and besides me laugh at the apparent seizure Pelù the poor, I could not help but notice the veiled allusions to slash the beginning. But brrrr, Pelù / Renzulli, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ....)
4) Phonetic Illusion of Tazenda.
Okay, I admit, I cheated here, because to define "Phonetic Illusion," an Italian song It takes guts. But it's incredible, I can not help it. From the first time I heard it, a windy night two years ago in Santa Teresa, I did not have more removed from the head.
3) Gianna Rino Gaetano.
Come on, admit it, this man was light years ahead. It was presented at the Sanremo '78, with this song. Oh, to think of it was rather an issue gaya, as in the first three positions have placed the Matia Bazar (Antonella Ruggiero with even the vocals), Anna Oxa and, precisely, Rino Gaetano. Yet from the refrain of "Gianna" did: "But at night the party is over, long live the life, people undress and begins a world, a different world, but the fact of sex and time will tell ". Sanremo. 1978. Again, Rino Gaetano was a damn genius ...
2) Old defects of Marta sui Tubi.
music, text, the voice of John Gulino, hypnotic guitar Carmelo Pipitone, abrasive and caustic peaks where the two voices blend ... I could go on for hours, but you Horace. I saw them live once and when they sang "Old faults" I fear that I was due to dry a tear.
1) The balance of the Schism.
(link to YouTube, the video is not embeddable, unfortunately)
No words. If you do the chorus. "Transcending the air. " Poetry.
favorite scenes of porn movies
5) The scene in the closet "The Intern" , not because it is particularly sexy or something, but it makes me die laughing because the joke one of two guys in front of the equipment "embarrassing" the other, with eyes wide like a kid at Christmas and blows "cone! Dios mío de mi corazón! Okay, do not worry, I've done this before "and opens his mouth ... XD
4) The scene between Brent Everett and Brent Corrigan in "Schoolboy Crush" that Corrigan, who is in love with the other, find the courage to go talk to the other guy and when you finally decide, turn a corner with a glass of water in his hand and accidentally added him to the object of his desires. Which of course, after the Blessed Sacrament, is the only sensible thing, and strips ...
3) The opening scene of "Fuck Me Raw" , that if the play nearly on par with the No 1 because it starts with a both asleep and wakes him up in nothing but kisses and cuddles. * Gurgle *
2) The last scene "Screwed" of Raging Stallion. About kink extreme, eh?
1) The scene "Damon and Hunter" Hunter in which he turns upside Damon. Being a porn movie so to speak, do not think it strange if I find one of the most sensually romantic scenes I've ever seen.
Warnings ff not related to sexual practices that make me close the page within a nanosecond.
Here I have a big problem. Of all the fandom I read (which are essentially three, HP, QAF and Merlin, the sector RPS), are paired as a monomaniac, and some warnings, like "Report adult / child" for me are cut off from the start. Anyway, here's my list!
5) descriptive Violence / Torture . There's nothing to do, I'm a fragile soul, violence kills me too descriptive. It upsets me just physically.
4) Bestiality . Thanks, but no, thanks. It is not really my thing.
3) Post Book 7 (with epilogue) . Epilogue? Which ending? In my version of "Deathly Hallows," there was no epilogue.
2) AU / Crossover . I know that they are two different things, but to me they are in the same category of "no, thank you." Capiamoci for AU stories set anywhere and I mean those that have characters who, by chance, called Harry and Draco. Where the magical world Harry does not exist and the rock star in Los Angeles and Draco the veterinarian in Rome. * Urgh *
1) Death of a main character . In this case not even open the story. It can be a masterpiece, but no thanks.
Books / fanfiction / movies that just are not able to finish
Here the ranking is completely random in the sense that I mixed up books, films and fan fiction and I have not finished any of the five listed, and are listed as ; as I came ...
5) "The Da Vinci Code" (the movie). Okay, I confess, I'm one of those poor idiots to whom the book is well liked and a lot. But the film is a ball out of measure. Will the Actress is Audrey Tatou, and for me, "The Wonderful World of Amelie" is one of the worst filth I have ever seen, but the fact that midway through the first time I changed channel.
4) "The Desert of the Tartars" . I am very much ashamed, but I'm not able to finish it ...
3) "Mignon is playing" , Francesca Archibugi. Two words: WHO. BALLS.
2) "Transfiguration" of Resonant. With all that is one of the stories most celebrated of fandom, has never failed to fascinate me. A half began to seriously bored and annoyed, and I planted there.
1) "Lisbon Story" , Wim Wenders. I tried to see it four, and I say four times. And all four times I have tragically fallen asleep.
male character more beloved TV series
5) Eliot (Leverage). It drives me mad that a professional hitter, who has been a soldier, the mercenary and the gunman, wearing goggles view that make it very intellectual. It's also very sexy. And I love his sense of humor!
4) Boris (Royal Pains). Gurgle * *. With all the charm that would not normally subisco mature man, Boris is a dirty dream. If only it was not a Royal Pains het hopelessly show, I would have seen well coupled with Dr. Hank. But even with Evan, eh ...
3) Callen (NCIS Los Angeles) * Gurgle squared *. Not that Chris is O'Donnell, I swear. Robin mica made me this effect. It's just that the character of Callen makes me get off the blood from his nose. If we consider that his character is bound by a very strong relationship with his colleague / best friend, my soul slasher calmly pulls a sigh of relief XD.
2) Eric (True Blood) cubed * gurgle *. For people who want to put up a Pippone useless on my lj back a couple of posts there is a complete delusion to True Blood. Beyond the fact that the actor who plays Eric FIGHERRIMO has a voice and a heart attack, the character dark and contradictory in and of itself is stellar. Sarcastic, amoral, selfish and deceitful, but also fiercely loyal, when he wants. And sexy to lose his head and shit and annoying and very, very fascinating. In short, the classic charm of the bad guy who, you know, have never been immune, not even as a child.
1) Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk USA) Beyond the dross paid to the character, which is a multi-infinity * * gurgle, I find that the character of Brian is a dazzling. Why not a positive character. It is immature, irrational, shallow, stubborn, unreasonable, selfish, uncaring, aggressive, offensive, I could go on for hours. But anyone who has seen "Queer as Folk" can not have suffered its charm. Again, the soul of the bad guy strikes again. Add to this, for the bargain that the actor who plays him in) is crazy sexy, b) have a capacity to embody by Oscar-winning c) has a voice that strappamutande half alone builds the character, you can understand why Brian peacefully is at the top ...
most beloved female characters show
Here I have a tie at the top, just because I could not choose ...
4) Ria Torres (Lie to me). It is tough and angry, young, big cocks in the art of knowing how to read body language of people. It's Latin, sexy and determined, ambitious and able to stand up to Dr. Lightman. A show.
3) Karen (Will & Grace). I do not think that a female TV character has ever made me laugh so much in my life. Chapeau also to his Italian voice actress who does a nice three-quarters to make irresistible.
2) Parker (Leverage). And span and unmanageable. And he sleeps upside down, hanging in the ducts of the lifts. You can not love her?
1) Ziva / Abby (NCIS). I could do not to choose one of the two. Abby is a sweet character and, in his own way, incredibly romantic. It is protective and fragile at the same time, and also incredibly sexy. It drove me crazy when flirting with the poor McGee, who was in confusion. Ziva ... Ziva and Ziva. I'd give a bit (but two ...) so happy, and his character, especially after the sixth series, becomes more complex and layered. And in the face of my soul from slasher, Tony / Ziva forever, eh ...
Here I am, the various responses are under cut! For
characters of books that I hated so much
I have some trouble with this request, probably because for a long time now the books I read tend to have a dominant of irony and fun very strong, ergo the characters are interesting, intelligent, funny, cute, adorably stupid, but rarely unbearable. So I hope you will forgive me if I do a bit 'in my own way ... However, I realized that the characters are almost all women ...
5) Hermione Granger in "HP and the Deathly Hallows. " Honestly, Wondermione just did not hold water. Starting from the 'Accio "to grab the books on Horcruxes Dumbledore's office, to continue with the Memory Charm on her parents, she knows nothing of their own Oblivion, and so on. Annoying, really.
4) Zaphod Beeblebrox in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (any volume, at the choice ...). The truth is that Zaphod is not so much that irritates me (though not exactly make me mad). The fact is that, given the immensity of Marvin the depressed android, everything else disappears ... ;-)
3) Tiffany in "The intrepid and Tiffany Small Free Men." A little 'too-Miss-Hermione know-it-all, for my taste. I guess it's about what "The intrepid Tiffany" is one of the (rare) Pratchett books that I was not excited at all.
2) Susan Pevensie in "The Chronicles of Narnia." One word: troublesome. Or Marysue, a choice ...
1) Livia , the girlfriend of Montalbano in any book by Camilleri. In this unique and if not, I really felt the fierce instinct of slicing a character and make it to the grid. What a plague! A black cat in his underwear, I do not see what other definition can use ...
The five Draco of acting that I love most.
Behold, here I have to "cheat" in the sense that I have a first place tie, and an honorable mention. Forgive me, right honey? XD
I start from a special mention, which could not be none other than Olivia Lupin . Her Draco is meraviglioserrimo in any of his stories. Olivia is in love with Draco and it shows: his characterization is always intense and incredibly romantic, because if there is one thing that Olivia is second to none is the right characterization. The reason why his Draco is not finished in the top five is simply that all his stories, for better or for worse, are nothing more than studies of characters, in which the plot is entirely secondary importance. Are squares, often a few thousand words, where everything revolves around the character's evolution and its relationship with Harry. Capiamoci, it's not a criticism, but considering that the stories of Olivia are, in large part, pre fifth and sixth book, the fact is that the Draco Olivia OOC eventually be loosely compared to the fees, except for a handful of stories in which the war comes as powerfully and Draco scenario becomes more bleak, brittle and edgy.
4) Any history of Jennavere from "The Veela Enigma" to "Once upon a time trilogy" from "Intrepid Teenage Hero" to "Things That Go Meow in the night & rdquo ; . As to characterizations of Draco princess or diva in the silent mode, capricious, delicate, selfish, dramatic, ridiculous, loaded and at the same time strong, romantic, loyal, clever, intelligent and sincere with himself, (almost) no one can be behind Jenna. If we want to discuss the fact that, since the stories of Jenna always characterized by a fund ironic, comic and funny, that there is Draco vaguely incomplete compared to the fees we are slaughtered for hours. But it remains one of my top five, ever since.
3) "How Big Dick Quick" of Calanthe. It makes me go crazy. The inability to admit their deepest desires, for his relationship with his mother, his fixation with the haute couture Muggle, because it is sweet and whimsical, immature and confused, and especially a lot of subtle and transparent, so, so sexy . And so much pork, which never hurts ... XD
2) "Bite me, hate memes" of Pir8fancier. The only author able to give Jenna a hard time in terms of humor and characterization of Draco as queen of melodrama. And the wonderful thing is that this is admittedly a crack! Fic, ie, a history deliberately farcical that starts from an assumption that is little more than a pretext. But I can not help it, the Draco Bite me is a small masterpiece, thanks also to the characters that sensational Pir8fancier put the next, starting with Pansy.
1) tie in the first place I can put Secrets Vorabiza of Draco and the amazing universe of "Reparations and " Foundations " is Saras_girl. Meanwhile, I could not choose because there are two versions of Draco which differ in a fundamental aspect, in my opinion: the Draco of "Secrets" is a young boy and his affair with Harry is born, grows and strengthens while they are young and their lives in one way or another, have been connected and are still fully immersed in the period of Hogwarts. The Saras_girl of Draco, with everything that has a few more years, is an adult and its history with Harry grows well away from the war, after each has made choices, and life experiences are completely different paths and separated. The Vorabiza of Draco is immature, stubborn, fearful, possessive and needy being in the spotlight. At the same time is fun, subtle, sly and sarcastic, loyal and protective. The Saras_girl of Draco is a bit more dark and scarred by the experience, is tough and a little 'lonely, determined, surprising and unable to admit to being in difficulty. Yet both have that background of insecurity and fragility that makes them incredibly human in my eyes, and totally unforgettable. I do not think one case that I end up review cycles each of these three stories, in which, moreover, the characterization of Harry in no way inferior to that of Draco, and it is equally stellar and memorable.
And if someone asked if it was, yes, even the Saras_girl stories are in my to do list. Sooner or later I swear I start to translate, eh ... * blush *
Italian Songs
5) Fata Morgana of Litfiba.
I always go crazy for this song.
(However, I had never seen the video, and besides me laugh at the apparent seizure Pelù the poor, I could not help but notice the veiled allusions to slash the beginning. But brrrr, Pelù / Renzulli, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ....)
4) Phonetic Illusion of Tazenda.
Okay, I admit, I cheated here, because to define "Phonetic Illusion," an Italian song It takes guts. But it's incredible, I can not help it. From the first time I heard it, a windy night two years ago in Santa Teresa, I did not have more removed from the head.
3) Gianna Rino Gaetano.
Come on, admit it, this man was light years ahead. It was presented at the Sanremo '78, with this song. Oh, to think of it was rather an issue gaya, as in the first three positions have placed the Matia Bazar (Antonella Ruggiero with even the vocals), Anna Oxa and, precisely, Rino Gaetano. Yet from the refrain of "Gianna" did: "But at night the party is over, long live the life, people undress and begins a world, a different world, but the fact of sex and time will tell ". Sanremo. 1978. Again, Rino Gaetano was a damn genius ...
2) Old defects of Marta sui Tubi.
music, text, the voice of John Gulino, hypnotic guitar Carmelo Pipitone, abrasive and caustic peaks where the two voices blend ... I could go on for hours, but you Horace. I saw them live once and when they sang "Old faults" I fear that I was due to dry a tear.
1) The balance of the Schism.
(link to YouTube, the video is not embeddable, unfortunately)
No words. If you do the chorus. "Transcending the air. " Poetry.
favorite scenes of porn movies
5) The scene in the closet "The Intern" , not because it is particularly sexy or something, but it makes me die laughing because the joke one of two guys in front of the equipment "embarrassing" the other, with eyes wide like a kid at Christmas and blows "cone! Dios mío de mi corazón! Okay, do not worry, I've done this before "and opens his mouth ... XD
4) The scene between Brent Everett and Brent Corrigan in "Schoolboy Crush" that Corrigan, who is in love with the other, find the courage to go talk to the other guy and when you finally decide, turn a corner with a glass of water in his hand and accidentally added him to the object of his desires. Which of course, after the Blessed Sacrament, is the only sensible thing, and strips ...
3) The opening scene of "Fuck Me Raw" , that if the play nearly on par with the No 1 because it starts with a both asleep and wakes him up in nothing but kisses and cuddles. * Gurgle *
2) The last scene "Screwed" of Raging Stallion. About kink extreme, eh?
1) The scene "Damon and Hunter" Hunter in which he turns upside Damon. Being a porn movie so to speak, do not think it strange if I find one of the most sensually romantic scenes I've ever seen.
Warnings ff not related to sexual practices that make me close the page within a nanosecond.
Here I have a big problem. Of all the fandom I read (which are essentially three, HP, QAF and Merlin, the sector RPS), are paired as a monomaniac, and some warnings, like "Report adult / child" for me are cut off from the start. Anyway, here's my list!
5) descriptive Violence / Torture . There's nothing to do, I'm a fragile soul, violence kills me too descriptive. It upsets me just physically.
4) Bestiality . Thanks, but no, thanks. It is not really my thing.
3) Post Book 7 (with epilogue) . Epilogue? Which ending? In my version of "Deathly Hallows," there was no epilogue.
2) AU / Crossover . I know that they are two different things, but to me they are in the same category of "no, thank you." Capiamoci for AU stories set anywhere and I mean those that have characters who, by chance, called Harry and Draco. Where the magical world Harry does not exist and the rock star in Los Angeles and Draco the veterinarian in Rome. * Urgh *
1) Death of a main character . In this case not even open the story. It can be a masterpiece, but no thanks.
Books / fanfiction / movies that just are not able to finish
Here the ranking is completely random in the sense that I mixed up books, films and fan fiction and I have not finished any of the five listed, and are listed as ; as I came ...
5) "The Da Vinci Code" (the movie). Okay, I confess, I'm one of those poor idiots to whom the book is well liked and a lot. But the film is a ball out of measure. Will the Actress is Audrey Tatou, and for me, "The Wonderful World of Amelie" is one of the worst filth I have ever seen, but the fact that midway through the first time I changed channel.
4) "The Desert of the Tartars" . I am very much ashamed, but I'm not able to finish it ...
3) "Mignon is playing" , Francesca Archibugi. Two words: WHO. BALLS.
2) "Transfiguration" of Resonant. With all that is one of the stories most celebrated of fandom, has never failed to fascinate me. A half began to seriously bored and annoyed, and I planted there.
1) "Lisbon Story" , Wim Wenders. I tried to see it four, and I say four times. And all four times I have tragically fallen asleep.
male character more beloved TV series
5) Eliot (Leverage). It drives me mad that a professional hitter, who has been a soldier, the mercenary and the gunman, wearing goggles view that make it very intellectual. It's also very sexy. And I love his sense of humor!
4) Boris (Royal Pains). Gurgle * *. With all the charm that would not normally subisco mature man, Boris is a dirty dream. If only it was not a Royal Pains het hopelessly show, I would have seen well coupled with Dr. Hank. But even with Evan, eh ...
3) Callen (NCIS Los Angeles) * Gurgle squared *. Not that Chris is O'Donnell, I swear. Robin mica made me this effect. It's just that the character of Callen makes me get off the blood from his nose. If we consider that his character is bound by a very strong relationship with his colleague / best friend, my soul slasher calmly pulls a sigh of relief XD.
2) Eric (True Blood) cubed * gurgle *. For people who want to put up a Pippone useless on my lj back a couple of posts there is a complete delusion to True Blood. Beyond the fact that the actor who plays Eric FIGHERRIMO has a voice and a heart attack, the character dark and contradictory in and of itself is stellar. Sarcastic, amoral, selfish and deceitful, but also fiercely loyal, when he wants. And sexy to lose his head and shit and annoying and very, very fascinating. In short, the classic charm of the bad guy who, you know, have never been immune, not even as a child.
1) Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk USA) Beyond the dross paid to the character, which is a multi-infinity * * gurgle, I find that the character of Brian is a dazzling. Why not a positive character. It is immature, irrational, shallow, stubborn, unreasonable, selfish, uncaring, aggressive, offensive, I could go on for hours. But anyone who has seen "Queer as Folk" can not have suffered its charm. Again, the soul of the bad guy strikes again. Add to this, for the bargain that the actor who plays him in) is crazy sexy, b) have a capacity to embody by Oscar-winning c) has a voice that strappamutande half alone builds the character, you can understand why Brian peacefully is at the top ...
most beloved female characters show
Here I have a tie at the top, just because I could not choose ...
4) Ria Torres (Lie to me). It is tough and angry, young, big cocks in the art of knowing how to read body language of people. It's Latin, sexy and determined, ambitious and able to stand up to Dr. Lightman. A show.
3) Karen (Will & Grace). I do not think that a female TV character has ever made me laugh so much in my life. Chapeau also to his Italian voice actress who does a nice three-quarters to make irresistible.
2) Parker (Leverage). And span and unmanageable. And he sleeps upside down, hanging in the ducts of the lifts. You can not love her?
1) Ziva / Abby (NCIS). I could do not to choose one of the two. Abby is a sweet character and, in his own way, incredibly romantic. It is protective and fragile at the same time, and also incredibly sexy. It drove me crazy when flirting with the poor McGee, who was in confusion. Ziva ... Ziva and Ziva. I'd give a bit (but two ...) so happy, and his character, especially after the sixth series, becomes more complex and layered. And in the face of my soul from slasher, Tony / Ziva forever, eh ...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Treatment Template For Film
grace75 @ 2010-09-08T23: 28:00
Meme stolen from
eloriee :
Leave a comment in this post citing two topics (movies, series, ship, quotes, books, groups, songs, sports, cartoons ... well, whatever XD) and I'll tell you my top five in each category.
(The wonderful thing is that comments like Lori, NY, and Tommy. Now with the meme I confine myself to do a round of mail ... XD)
Meme stolen from
Leave a comment in this post citing two topics (movies, series, ship, quotes, books, groups, songs, sports, cartoons ... well, whatever XD) and I'll tell you my top five in each category.
(The wonderful thing is that comments like Lori, NY, and Tommy. Now with the meme I confine myself to do a round of mail ... XD)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Print Out Lease Agreement
Colourful meme
Here. it took me only two weeks, but I did. This meme is really nice!
Comment by "Colorama", and give you a color. And then you'll need to post ten things of that color that you like.
Happy reading!
eloriee gave me the ivory
1) shirts and, in general, dressed in linen
Clothes flax is incredibly sexy. The ivory linen on tanned skin is even more. the photo does not do justice, but be patient, eh ... XD
2) Burn wood soapstone
Around October I remember hippies have a soul and unearthed from the dust of the burning wood that I have around the house (harsh and masculine essences, thank you. The kind of citrus, white or green tea and so on). My favorite is wood burning steel, mostly because I'm lazy and distracted, and if I forget to fill it with water does not explode, but those are soapstone meraviglioserrimi! (I know this seems gray, but believe the word, the soapstone is ivory-white!)
3) Christmas decoration
Nothing red, gold or something. For me the Christmas decorations are ivory. And silver ... ;-)
4) Dough
bread. And good, too, tzk!
5) bedspread Lori
When I go to Lori in the summer, this is where I sleep on the bed bedding sand / ivory, which to me means indiscriminately holiday / summer / serenity and above all ... Lori.
6) Cheese
luscious, yes. The Brie is one of the gifts of heaven ...
7) Charter
Despite the fact that now I write almost exclusively with the keyboard, I have always had a passion for a certain type of stationery and a little pussy 'snob, such as fountain pens and parchment or ivory paper.
8) béchamel
As I said, I'm greedy. And in the kitchen are pretty good. Despite this, the béchamel to raise the dead as did my grandmother have never, never managed to do it.
9) Enamel
When I do not have long nails (ie for 11 months a year ...) I tend to use these smaltino ivory / pearl that have the undeniable advantage of a long resistance to chipping and good masking signs and trouble ... XD
10) Sacred Cat of Burma
* My favorite cat in the world *. I love this race, is incredible elegance and arrogance of the Burmese cat is the nth degree.
nykyo me awarded the silver.
1) Hard Disc
I vaguely sick of technology. I also have a phobia that he has never enough space. This toy, which I donated before the summer is a lovely tera and a half of space to fill. Yay!
2) Slytherin
Because, in case you forgot you had, the colors are green and silver Slytherin house. I confess candidly that a pin in the shape of a snake I like it cost a lot and if not absurd, I probably would have also already bought ...
3) Coffee machine
are caffeine-dependent and fatally lazy. In your opinion, the combination of these two product's wrong, when my house is entered this coffee machine? Oh, and is fully automatic ...
4) fountain pen
About what I said for ivory, I have always loved fountain pens. With a clear preference for pens and immersion for those to be loaded with ink. Unfamiliar with, I realize, in fact, tend to use more frequently the most common, with the cartridges ready. But I used them to university. If they are silver and are loaded with sepia ink or green, I would seriously consider to stop using the keyboard for a few hours ...
5) Christmas Lights
More silver and cold (like shades) are better.
6) Pendant
Grace is very proud of gingillino which was bought this summer. And no, the fact that the English that I sold it was cute and that I would give him a couple of bites is not important ...
7) The lake with clouds
We need to explain? The curious thing is that, depending on the type of clouds, the serenity shade silver can turn steel or lead. Okay, let me introduce itself to the mental health center, quiet.
8) Cigarette
was my grandmother. It is one of the items snobby and conceited that I've ever owned / used. And of course I love with all of myself ...
9) E-book
(Okay, I cheated, this is only part of silver, but I'm sure
nykyo forgive me ;...) I repeat, I am sick of technology. Everything that has a screen and keyboard catches my attention, like metals with shiny magpies. I lost the burr behind this ebook for months, until they gave me last Christmas. We became friends right away. We are more or less inseparable ...
10) Rings
am a woman with low maintenance: the jewels that I love most tend steel jewelry or silver objects (For God's sake, gold white mica and platinum make me sick, but I said, are low maintenance ...) I have a great passion for rings and a small personal ritual: I always try to buy one wherever I go, even for a weekend. If you only have ten fingers available in the hands, I recently started to engage even those feet ...
tommykaine gave me purple.
1) Eggplant
God, goodness! Them in any event!
2) Sheets
I love the cool colors for bedding. The blues, greens, blues and especially the purple!
3) Pen
my pen. The one I use almost every day to correct!
4) Plums
Another gift from heaven, but only if the month of september, sweet and sour at the same time.
5) Towels
As for bedding, room for cool colors. Viola then ... Prrrrrrrrrr ...
6) Tampere
see a bottle or a splash of purple tempera me pouring of bile causes unhealthy because it is a color with which I'd love to paint, if you only knew how to use the time to do something other than the stain ...
7) Duroni
*Gurgle* Se ne avessi davanti un cesto da dieci chili, con calma e con metodo potrei serenamente mangiarmeli tutti. E poi morire felice, ovviamente.
8) Cravatte
Mi piacciono le cravatte viola, lo confesso. E allora? XD
9) Glicine
Okay, anche qui ho barato, perché il glicine è... beh, è glicine , non viola, ma non ho saputo resistere. Uno dei miei fiori (e dei miei profumi) preferiti.
10) Rossetto
zoccoleggiante I have a vague instinct when it comes to choosing the colors with which make-up. The purple lipstick has always been a cost to me, even as a teenager, when my classmates at most a dare a little pink Barbie 'repulsive ... XD.
Here. it took me only two weeks, but I did. This meme is really nice!
Comment by "Colorama", and give you a color. And then you'll need to post ten things of that color that you like.
Happy reading!
Clothes flax is incredibly sexy. The ivory linen on tanned skin is even more. the photo does not do justice, but be patient, eh ... XD
2) Burn wood soapstone
Around October I remember hippies have a soul and unearthed from the dust of the burning wood that I have around the house (harsh and masculine essences, thank you. The kind of citrus, white or green tea and so on). My favorite is wood burning steel, mostly because I'm lazy and distracted, and if I forget to fill it with water does not explode, but those are soapstone meraviglioserrimi! (I know this seems gray, but believe the word, the soapstone is ivory-white!)
3) Christmas decoration
Nothing red, gold or something. For me the Christmas decorations are ivory. And silver ... ;-)
4) Dough
bread. And good, too, tzk!
5) bedspread Lori
When I go to Lori in the summer, this is where I sleep on the bed bedding sand / ivory, which to me means indiscriminately holiday / summer / serenity and above all ... Lori.
6) Cheese
luscious, yes. The Brie is one of the gifts of heaven ...
7) Charter
Despite the fact that now I write almost exclusively with the keyboard, I have always had a passion for a certain type of stationery and a little pussy 'snob, such as fountain pens and parchment or ivory paper.
8) béchamel
As I said, I'm greedy. And in the kitchen are pretty good. Despite this, the béchamel to raise the dead as did my grandmother have never, never managed to do it.
9) Enamel
When I do not have long nails (ie for 11 months a year ...) I tend to use these smaltino ivory / pearl that have the undeniable advantage of a long resistance to chipping and good masking signs and trouble ... XD
10) Sacred Cat of Burma
* My favorite cat in the world *. I love this race, is incredible elegance and arrogance of the Burmese cat is the nth degree.
1) Hard Disc
I vaguely sick of technology. I also have a phobia that he has never enough space. This toy, which I donated before the summer is a lovely tera and a half of space to fill. Yay!
2) Slytherin
Because, in case you forgot you had, the colors are green and silver Slytherin house. I confess candidly that a pin in the shape of a snake I like it cost a lot and if not absurd, I probably would have also already bought ...
3) Coffee machine
are caffeine-dependent and fatally lazy. In your opinion, the combination of these two product's wrong, when my house is entered this coffee machine? Oh, and is fully automatic ...
4) fountain pen
About what I said for ivory, I have always loved fountain pens. With a clear preference for pens and immersion for those to be loaded with ink. Unfamiliar with, I realize, in fact, tend to use more frequently the most common, with the cartridges ready. But I used them to university. If they are silver and are loaded with sepia ink or green, I would seriously consider to stop using the keyboard for a few hours ...
5) Christmas Lights
More silver and cold (like shades) are better.
6) Pendant
Grace is very proud of gingillino which was bought this summer. And no, the fact that the English that I sold it was cute and that I would give him a couple of bites is not important ...
7) The lake with clouds
We need to explain? The curious thing is that, depending on the type of clouds, the serenity shade silver can turn steel or lead. Okay, let me introduce itself to the mental health center, quiet.
8) Cigarette
was my grandmother. It is one of the items snobby and conceited that I've ever owned / used. And of course I love with all of myself ...
9) E-book
(Okay, I cheated, this is only part of silver, but I'm sure
10) Rings
am a woman with low maintenance: the jewels that I love most tend steel jewelry or silver objects (For God's sake, gold white mica and platinum make me sick, but I said, are low maintenance ...) I have a great passion for rings and a small personal ritual: I always try to buy one wherever I go, even for a weekend. If you only have ten fingers available in the hands, I recently started to engage even those feet ...
1) Eggplant
God, goodness! Them in any event!
2) Sheets
I love the cool colors for bedding. The blues, greens, blues and especially the purple!
3) Pen
my pen. The one I use almost every day to correct!
4) Plums
Another gift from heaven, but only if the month of september, sweet and sour at the same time.
5) Towels
As for bedding, room for cool colors. Viola then ... Prrrrrrrrrr ...
6) Tampere
see a bottle or a splash of purple tempera me pouring of bile causes unhealthy because it is a color with which I'd love to paint, if you only knew how to use the time to do something other than the stain ...
7) Duroni
*Gurgle* Se ne avessi davanti un cesto da dieci chili, con calma e con metodo potrei serenamente mangiarmeli tutti. E poi morire felice, ovviamente.
8) Cravatte
Mi piacciono le cravatte viola, lo confesso. E allora? XD
9) Glicine
Okay, anche qui ho barato, perché il glicine è... beh, è glicine , non viola, ma non ho saputo resistere. Uno dei miei fiori (e dei miei profumi) preferiti.
10) Rossetto
zoccoleggiante I have a vague instinct when it comes to choosing the colors with which make-up. The purple lipstick has always been a cost to me, even as a teenager, when my classmates at most a dare a little pink Barbie 'repulsive ... XD.
Friday, August 20, 2010
What Does Server Error 554 And 0x800ccc6f Mean?
next act
has a shitsuji Well, I present お じゅん Royal Servant shitsuji of coffee. Unfortunately, the Swallowtail was all reserved, but thanks to the services of one of our teacher (Chiba sensei), we had the chance to experience one.
guess now you would expect my opinions and feelings about it, something like KKKKKYYYYYAAAAA, it was fantastic, they were cool in a way 残念
ridiculous ... First of all, there were three of us alone but we had three professors of Japanese with us, even the entire secretariat of the association was aware of our projects (and probably would have wanted to come) ...
Let's start with the story ...
I have to postpone ...
has a shitsuji Well, I present お じゅん Royal Servant shitsuji of coffee. Unfortunately, the Swallowtail was all reserved, but thanks to the services of one of our teacher (Chiba sensei), we had the chance to experience one.
guess now you would expect my opinions and feelings about it, something like KKKKKYYYYYAAAAA, it was fantastic, they were cool in a way 残念
ridiculous ... First of all, there were three of us alone but we had three professors of Japanese with us, even the entire secretariat of the association was aware of our projects (and probably would have wanted to come) ...
Let's start with the story ...
I have to postpone ...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Life Expectancy Pulmonary Fibrosis
mercuriasekai @ 2010-08-17T09: 44:00
my rare updates are not exclusively due to my laziness, so forgive me! m (_ _) m
Let's see what I tell you this time?! It 's more difficult than expected to remember everything, even why we make a lot of things, too! ^ ^
For photos ... also because I have to wait for a strategy to my trembling hand ... I make do with Alice (she likes and good, after I do not care ^ ^)
Just consider this the 'has made her:
jinja is the gate of the Miajima
Ah detail: the transfer of my family has been postponed by a week. The reason: the lady who hosts me and Alice had to leave for a business trip to America, and since it did not feel like leaving Alice alone has asked me to stay. Alice and I basically have at our disposal a Japanese apartment! ^ ^ Ps
if I can put anything on youtube
my rare updates are not exclusively due to my laziness, so forgive me! m (_ _) m
Let's see what I tell you this time?! It 's more difficult than expected to remember everything, even why we make a lot of things, too! ^ ^
For photos ... also because I have to wait for a strategy to my trembling hand ... I make do with Alice (she likes and good, after I do not care ^ ^)
Just consider this the 'has made her:
jinja is the gate of the Miajima
Ah detail: the transfer of my family has been postponed by a week. The reason: the lady who hosts me and Alice had to leave for a business trip to America, and since it did not feel like leaving Alice alone has asked me to stay. Alice and I basically have at our disposal a Japanese apartment! ^ ^ Ps
if I can put anything on youtube
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Headache And Pain On Right Arm
travel continues
longer on the list:
-Otome Road:
I must admit that I had imagined it differently, in the sense that while I had not even noticed I crossed came to be there. Akiba I imagined a sort of scaled-down. Signs of all colors and sizes, people who promote or attempt to trim flyers, in fact typical of the lively districts of Tokyo. The ones I found myself in front ... but it was gray and nondescript alleyway (old western style, a tangle of twigs flying to the lands desolate?)
To better understand where it is?! And 'the road that overlooks the entrance of Sunshine City (Ikebukuro, Tokyo of course)
Appearance party content there! On that you can not complain, of doujinshi, yaoi, shonen to a cosplay costumes and even some of the world Aidoru. One of the most impressive things certainly is the 9-story ANIMATED! 0.0
The world in which we have arrived it was interesting. The release had been planned for the Saturday of our stay, participants: me, Emy, Chiara
11:45 Meeting place in front of the east exit of the station .... 12:45
yet the other 2 were not made to see! (Only followed we discovered that they had expected the east exit of the metro and I at that station)
T_T Never mind I did my ride alone in peace! ^ ^ So to get around all the stores it took me about 4 hours ... it was dead at the end!
The only thing that I have just managed to find was the Swallowtail. The famous shitsuji coffee, I can not locate it! T_T I am aware that you might not ever find a place and if anybody I cancel a reservation present an income of 4,000 yen but ....
shitsuji The latest information on coffee in tokyo are 3-
Roppongi, but the Butlers nothing but women dressed
-Shibuya, the Butlers are foreigners (they also say the service is not the best)
-Otome road, if the found, the shitsuji are real men (!), which for a period of one month receive special training. As for sweets and tea are handmade by the chef, not changing with the seasons!
update with more details as soon as possible! ^ ^
longer on the list:
-Otome Road:
I must admit that I had imagined it differently, in the sense that while I had not even noticed I crossed came to be there. Akiba I imagined a sort of scaled-down. Signs of all colors and sizes, people who promote or attempt to trim flyers, in fact typical of the lively districts of Tokyo. The ones I found myself in front ... but it was gray and nondescript alleyway (old western style, a tangle of twigs flying to the lands desolate?)
To better understand where it is?! And 'the road that overlooks the entrance of Sunshine City (Ikebukuro, Tokyo of course)
Appearance party content there! On that you can not complain, of doujinshi, yaoi, shonen to a cosplay costumes and even some of the world Aidoru. One of the most impressive things certainly is the 9-story ANIMATED! 0.0
The world in which we have arrived it was interesting. The release had been planned for the Saturday of our stay, participants: me, Emy, Chiara
11:45 Meeting place in front of the east exit of the station .... 12:45
yet the other 2 were not made to see! (Only followed we discovered that they had expected the east exit of the metro and I at that station)
T_T Never mind I did my ride alone in peace! ^ ^ So to get around all the stores it took me about 4 hours ... it was dead at the end!
The only thing that I have just managed to find was the Swallowtail. The famous shitsuji coffee, I can not locate it! T_T I am aware that you might not ever find a place and if anybody I cancel a reservation present an income of 4,000 yen but ....
shitsuji The latest information on coffee in tokyo are 3-
Roppongi, but the Butlers nothing but women dressed
-Shibuya, the Butlers are foreigners (they also say the service is not the best)
-Otome road, if the found, the shitsuji are real men (!), which for a period of one month receive special training. As for sweets and tea are handmade by the chef, not changing with the seasons!
update with more details as soon as possible! ^ ^
Friday, July 30, 2010
Proshow Goldbackgrounds
I wanted to post some pictures ... but it takes too long to load.
Places to be visited?
-Toodai (University of Tokyo)
Asakusa-with all the temples (all?! There are more than one?)
-Shibuya (I wanted to escape, a place monstrous) 12-storey library
-Ikebukuro (Otome Road and today ^ ^)
unfortunately the only cafe in Ikebukuro shitsuji need prior reservation, with waiting times up to 1 month ... nothing to do!
-Akihabara, only a small part, however, following the otaku blood that flows in us not be content until we view the whole (imagine a building of seven floors plus basement and only all of manga and anime, and you have an idea ...)
Tokyo is not a place as a tourist, this it is a fact, unless you are a fan of contemporary culture ... the bold face of those young people who follow you wherever you go, you put in a good mood! ^ ^
Tokyo Cement is frenzy and anonymity, did not choose as a place to live, but I was not disappointed, I knew what I was getting and my expectations have been rewarded!
right, right. .. the sister of Reiko-san gave me and my roommate a full set of yukata, zori and obi and ... we will host the weekend of celebrations at his house in Hiroshima .... 0.0
kindness are a monster! TT
I wanted to post some pictures ... but it takes too long to load.
Places to be visited?
-Toodai (University of Tokyo)
Asakusa-with all the temples (all?! There are more than one?)
-Shibuya (I wanted to escape, a place monstrous) 12-storey library
-Ikebukuro (Otome Road and today ^ ^)
unfortunately the only cafe in Ikebukuro shitsuji need prior reservation, with waiting times up to 1 month ... nothing to do!
-Akihabara, only a small part, however, following the otaku blood that flows in us not be content until we view the whole (imagine a building of seven floors plus basement and only all of manga and anime, and you have an idea ...)
Tokyo is not a place as a tourist, this it is a fact, unless you are a fan of contemporary culture ... the bold face of those young people who follow you wherever you go, you put in a good mood! ^ ^
Tokyo Cement is frenzy and anonymity, did not choose as a place to live, but I was not disappointed, I knew what I was getting and my expectations have been rewarded!
right, right. .. the sister of Reiko-san gave me and my roommate a full set of yukata, zori and obi and ... we will host the weekend of celebrations at his house in Hiroshima .... 0.0
kindness are a monster! TT
Monday, July 26, 2010
High Hard Closed Cervix Pregnant?
mercuriasekai @ 2010-07-26T14: 35:00
Until now, no one can say that we have more time to actually define it ... a period of adjustment.
Tsuzukimashyo it ^ ^! ^ ^
Accommodation: Perfect! ^ ^ I'm very close dall'Ebisu Garden Place and very close to Shibuya, to say that in just over five minutes by subway arrival in Omotesando and Harajuku! ^ ^
Lsignora for the moment I am staying with Alice, Reiko -san is always kind and always cooking for us! (Too much actually). Later maybe I'll put the photos also.
summarize my days ... the first day he took us for a ride for the street that connects Omotesando and Harajuku. Gigante, full of people .... and Italian shops, Italian shops and Italian shops. I have never seen such a concentration of Italian shops, even in Italy. According Alberizzi-sensei magliore the pizza is in Tokyo! Do not ask me the meaning of this, even I know ... saaa
In the evening we got onto the floor of the tower 38 dell'ebisu garden (fascinating place, here we have also witnessed the bold gesture of a street cleaner who came into a fountain 5 meters high and threatened to fall below to pick up a paper cup that had fallen in!) where the lady gave us a full sushi dinner (and not Esselunga it ^ ^). Douma arigatou Reiko-san!
Today first day of class, against all odds Alberizzi will be among our teachers. We teach you to write emails, letters and watch drama (bwahahahaha!). I almost forgot, today the first day of classes two people in an attempt to reach the school have been lost. =.= The shocking thing is that the school is in the same street where the hotel accommodation, 3 minutes walk away! =.= The nice thing is that ... it was .... drum roll Emy and Clare! Bwahahahahahaha! (Kimitachi Suimasen!)
Finite lessons there was the long awaited (after which feared) welcome party. Were presented the objectives of the course, teachers, members families after that .... .... a minute's silence at a time, before all introduced ourselves (the Kono must have been terribly ashamed of ignorance, poor thing!
important announcement:
during the next academic year Association Italian Japanese will come to Bologna to hold a festival of Japanese culture!
That said, the day ended with a collective around to Shibuya, where we saw Hachiko, the new video on large screens in front of Yamapi '109. We made a leap into a Mandarake and waiting for me tomorrow for a trip to the store and jpop kissa Johnny's Aoyama! kkkkyyyaaaa! (Thu, Vally you think hard, I wish you were with me) Bwahahaha!
Only one thing that haunts me is there anyone or should I say something?! 0.0 Wherever I go there (there are) I can not shake me, the thing is getting really disturbing ... Nanka Kowa!
Until now, no one can say that we have more time to actually define it ... a period of adjustment.
Tsuzukimashyo it ^ ^! ^ ^
Accommodation: Perfect! ^ ^ I'm very close dall'Ebisu Garden Place and very close to Shibuya, to say that in just over five minutes by subway arrival in Omotesando and Harajuku! ^ ^
Lsignora for the moment I am staying with Alice, Reiko -san is always kind and always cooking for us! (Too much actually). Later maybe I'll put the photos also.
summarize my days ... the first day he took us for a ride for the street that connects Omotesando and Harajuku. Gigante, full of people .... and Italian shops, Italian shops and Italian shops. I have never seen such a concentration of Italian shops, even in Italy. According Alberizzi-sensei magliore the pizza is in Tokyo! Do not ask me the meaning of this, even I know ... saaa
In the evening we got onto the floor of the tower 38 dell'ebisu garden (fascinating place, here we have also witnessed the bold gesture of a street cleaner who came into a fountain 5 meters high and threatened to fall below to pick up a paper cup that had fallen in!) where the lady gave us a full sushi dinner (and not Esselunga it ^ ^). Douma arigatou Reiko-san!
Today first day of class, against all odds Alberizzi will be among our teachers. We teach you to write emails, letters and watch drama (bwahahahaha!). I almost forgot, today the first day of classes two people in an attempt to reach the school have been lost. =.= The shocking thing is that the school is in the same street where the hotel accommodation, 3 minutes walk away! =.= The nice thing is that ... it was .... drum roll Emy and Clare! Bwahahahahahaha! (Kimitachi Suimasen!)
Finite lessons there was the long awaited (after which feared) welcome party. Were presented the objectives of the course, teachers, members families after that .... .... a minute's silence at a time, before all introduced ourselves (the Kono must have been terribly ashamed of ignorance, poor thing!
important announcement:
during the next academic year Association Italian Japanese will come to Bologna to hold a festival of Japanese culture!
That said, the day ended with a collective around to Shibuya, where we saw Hachiko, the new video on large screens in front of Yamapi '109. We made a leap into a Mandarake and waiting for me tomorrow for a trip to the store and jpop kissa Johnny's Aoyama! kkkkyyyaaaa! (Thu, Vally you think hard, I wish you were with me) Bwahahaha!
Only one thing that haunts me is there anyone or should I say something?! 0.0 Wherever I go there (there are) I can not shake me, the thing is getting really disturbing ... Nanka Kowa!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
How Does Proline Work?
underway in Japan
At the end of the first day spent half a world away here is the first report! The
24/07/2010 at 01:01 at the train station in Parma, in the company of Emy and Clare began our journey to the other side of the world.
A moment of silence please!
We spread a veil of inefficiency Trenitalia .... uncomfortable bunks, air conditioned dance! and when I say no to dancing jokes, the lady who shared with us the room to sleep with it on a damp winter! 0.0
Another moment of silence!
We have disturbed the repose of that lady probably in all possible ways. Despite this, the next morning was kind enough to speak to us and give us some straight ...* runs to hide, blaming the other two *
Basically from 5 onwards I Emy and we stayed in the hallway talking, while someone, without naming names (Maria Chiara), slept blissfully!
the series luck is always with us and never abandons us (or should I say bad luck?), we get on the train to come to term, a time that train leaves, the nice people who had previously helped with the bags tells us ....
minute of silence ...
"train to the airport, passing by Tivoli does not end ... You can imagine the feeling TT From Termini learn that despite the fact that despite all its good will, our informant has been mistaken as big as the desert! If I can only speak for myself get nervous, refrains thanks! =.=
At the airport, despite his inexperience, is spun smoothly. I'm not afraid of flying, I laughed at the start, landing yawned.
minute of silence ...
hospital provides food to my liking Now it has ....
Apart, which I swore to the sclera in Clare that I would not be returned to Japan if it meant flying for 11 hours, a couple of movies planted in half, the flight was quiet .... I
At the end of the first day spent half a world away here is the first report! The
24/07/2010 at 01:01 at the train station in Parma, in the company of Emy and Clare began our journey to the other side of the world.
A moment of silence please!
We spread a veil of inefficiency Trenitalia .... uncomfortable bunks, air conditioned dance! and when I say no to dancing jokes, the lady who shared with us the room to sleep with it on a damp winter! 0.0
Another moment of silence!
We have disturbed the repose of that lady probably in all possible ways. Despite this, the next morning was kind enough to speak to us and give us some straight ...* runs to hide, blaming the other two *
Basically from 5 onwards I Emy and we stayed in the hallway talking, while someone, without naming names (Maria Chiara), slept blissfully!
the series luck is always with us and never abandons us (or should I say bad luck?), we get on the train to come to term, a time that train leaves, the nice people who had previously helped with the bags tells us ....
minute of silence ...
"train to the airport, passing by Tivoli does not end ... You can imagine the feeling TT From Termini learn that despite the fact that despite all its good will, our informant has been mistaken as big as the desert! If I can only speak for myself get nervous, refrains thanks! =.=
At the airport, despite his inexperience, is spun smoothly. I'm not afraid of flying, I laughed at the start, landing yawned.
minute of silence ...
hospital provides food to my liking Now it has ....
Apart, which I swore to the sclera in Clare that I would not be returned to Japan if it meant flying for 11 hours, a couple of movies planted in half, the flight was quiet .... I
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Giving A Card For A Wedding
How green are my Tweets too!
- 09:29 the subway this morning was packed with people, not breathing. luckily I got to work with the air ... ff.im/nJq7k #
- 16:38 I just unlocked the "Superstar" badge on foursquare @! 4sq.com/a8hnvO #
- @ 17:53 mlupoi Comicon Sandiego? #
- 23:48 modern family roller ugly ff.im/nLL0W
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Aishwarya Showing His Boobs
How green are my Tweets too!
- 13:55 the past to make things more ' absurd? # Insertcoin [pic] ff.im / nGoaI #
- 14:22 and rescue that lasted a lifetime? disk and the roster? [Pic] ff.im / nGsHS #
- 14:26 my first adventure ended with my strength insertcoin # [pic] ff.im / nGtmC #
- 16:42 @ Gazpaccio betcha, get online
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ferqeuncy Astra 2d Free Hindi Channels
How green are my Tweets too!
- 15:02 I added to my list of wishes aNobii the book "Do the Simmenthal" ff.im / nC0TZ #
- @ 18:26 silviomuccino person post? #
- @ 21:33 alessiobau ahahahha we are all here :-) #
- @ 21:48 napolux fucking blur! I forgot I'm sorry :-( napolux. I am sorry.
Monday, July 12, 2010
St. Dalfour Whitening Cream-dubai
How green are my Tweets too!
- @ 10:05 tnello finger 'of despair for 2manydjs as if they I have 20 meters from home do not go equal #
- @ 11:19 catepol with Basilicata Calabria? I say geological ages. #
- @ 11:21 liviacolare eh? and 'a joke or is there serious about this event? #
- @ 12:28 byb80 yeah!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dutch Master Cigar Displays
How green are my Tweets too!
- 12:34 I favorited a YouTube video - Elite Designers Against IKEA youtu.be/zTRibzomi0Y? A #
- @ 22:00 Gazpaccio im coming home. Pls rain delay 45 minutes. Thanks god you
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tell Him Am Horny Text
How green are my Tweets too!
- 15:36 I'm at Lido Di Classe. 4sq.com/bBAZhw #
- @ 23:19 Gazpaccio watch out and trust no one. People Tend to cheat. Stick on paypal payment method if you can.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Engagement Wishes To Friend
How green are my Tweets too!
- 11:01 tumblr, dashboards, avantbear, nobbuono = work (the joys of not safe for work) ff.im/ns5pV #
- 11:29 Fwd: I have a friend who is a genius (via ff.im/ns4Hg ) [pic] ff.im/ns9Dh #
- 11:49 HOLY PAVOLPO HELP. Friendfeed is making me spend the morning over 'unproductive history since the days of ... ff.im / nscYe #
- 12:44 what 's the flame of today? any advice? ff.im / nslAh #
- 15:45 @ @ Gazpaccio KarsusITA bit.ly / bbrzOE #
- @ 19:09 benjistyler remember to pray for the PAVOLPO the salad that you won #
- 19:21 nobody in here knows who was behind the collective name "world Oltro" years ago? ff.im / ntmca #
- @ 19:44 benjistyler blessed papaya #
- @ 19:53 Lu82 I'm still standing in the middle. I had to leave 10 minutes ago. pray for me the PAVOLPO
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Strangle Woman Fetish
How green are my Tweets too!
- @ 10:40 DElyMyth look here www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XzLbGssArQ #
- @ 18:07 Gazpaccio HEEL Self-harm GOD! #
- 19:23 go to susheggiare ff.im / npRXF #
- 22:50 ok, 'I'm going to play world of warcraft ff.im / nqqkp
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
How Many Cigarettes Can You Make From 50g
How green are my Tweets too!
- @ 13:12 fabry_ you: D #
- 15:50 spend my time in the advent of Adam Lanna ff .im / nlrxd
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Live Axis View Network
How green are my Tweets too!
- 10:46 I just ousted Valerio V. as the mayor of Vodafone bisceglie foursquare on @ 96! 4sq.com/9zFbuj #
- @ 20:06 sooshee stop the run to work?
Crest Whiteproducts Singapore
drama of the new season that have caught my attention are:
- 夏 の 恋 は 虹 色 に 輝く (natsu no koi ni wa nijiro Kagayaku)
The protagonist Taiga (nothing but Matsumoto Jun) is a mediocre actor , is the kind of person are defined as "tsundere" (see Emy for further clarification on the term). One day meet Shiori (Yuko Takeuchi), a person completely opposite, and will begin their love story.
Ok the plot is hackneyed, but since there's at least look at the first Matsu Jun is a must! ^ ^
- ョーカー 許さ れざる 捜査 官 (Joker Yurusarezaru Sosakan)
For those who prefer the detective story, here's a detective. Protagonist (Sakai Masato) days of a detective who is the reincarnation of Buddha and a night justice without forgiveness.
You ask yourself, why Paul looks at him?! The cast is Nishikido Ryo, another is how it goes ...
- 日本人 の 知らない 日本語 (Nihonjin no shiranai Nihongo)
The protagonist Nagiko (Naka Riise) is a woman who dreams of becoming a teacher in a school setting, but is hampered by his superior. They offered her a job in the short term of only three months, where he will teach a class of students the Japanese language. The elements of the class will be different than the otaku! ^ ^
I can not wait to watch it! It promises to be hilarious! ^ ^
- うぬぼれ 刑事 (Unubore deka)
Another detective story, but this time the protagonist is a hopeless womanizer. Small detail always enamored of criminals who must be stopped and is obviously not reciprocated! ^ ^
The protagonist is Tomoya Nagase (My boss my hero you say anything?) And of course, is assisted by Ikuta Toma!
- ハンマー セッション (Hammer session)
The protagonist (Hayami Mokoma) is a Phillip Morris who runs away from the van to transport the police because of an accident. To a misapprehension he was hired as a teacher in high school: will I change my method of teaching by imposing his personality very special. Mokoma
According to a drama that will be sexy! It appears that the nude scenes are not lacking (hentai)!
-Beautiful love
For those of DBSK un'appasionata there is also a mini-drama (15 minutes per episode) with Yoochun and Oomasa Aya. E 'already started, maybe a little' stereotype and nothing special, but wait before judging the end ...
drama of the new season that have caught my attention are:
- 夏 の 恋 は 虹 色 に 輝く (natsu no koi ni wa nijiro Kagayaku)
The protagonist Taiga (nothing but Matsumoto Jun) is a mediocre actor , is the kind of person are defined as "tsundere" (see Emy for further clarification on the term). One day meet Shiori (Yuko Takeuchi), a person completely opposite, and will begin their love story.
Ok the plot is hackneyed, but since there's at least look at the first Matsu Jun is a must! ^ ^
- ョーカー 許さ れざる 捜査 官 (Joker Yurusarezaru Sosakan)
For those who prefer the detective story, here's a detective. Protagonist (Sakai Masato) days of a detective who is the reincarnation of Buddha and a night justice without forgiveness.
You ask yourself, why Paul looks at him?! The cast is Nishikido Ryo, another is how it goes ...
- 日本人 の 知らない 日本語 (Nihonjin no shiranai Nihongo)
The protagonist Nagiko (Naka Riise) is a woman who dreams of becoming a teacher in a school setting, but is hampered by his superior. They offered her a job in the short term of only three months, where he will teach a class of students the Japanese language. The elements of the class will be different than the otaku! ^ ^
I can not wait to watch it! It promises to be hilarious! ^ ^
- うぬぼれ 刑事 (Unubore deka)
Another detective story, but this time the protagonist is a hopeless womanizer. Small detail always enamored of criminals who must be stopped and is obviously not reciprocated! ^ ^
The protagonist is Tomoya Nagase (My boss my hero you say anything?) And of course, is assisted by Ikuta Toma!
- ハンマー セッション (Hammer session)
The protagonist (Hayami Mokoma) is a Phillip Morris who runs away from the van to transport the police because of an accident. To a misapprehension he was hired as a teacher in high school: will I change my method of teaching by imposing his personality very special. Mokoma
According to a drama that will be sexy! It appears that the nude scenes are not lacking (hentai)!
-Beautiful love
For those of DBSK un'appasionata there is also a mini-drama (15 minutes per episode) with Yoochun and Oomasa Aya. E 'already started, maybe a little' stereotype and nothing special, but wait before judging the end ...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Hdmi Receiver No Upconversion
How green are my Tweets too!
- 15:58 a classic en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Rickrolling ff.im / nekRg #
- 18:18 www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20100703.gif ff.im / neKbL #
- @ 19:47 Kirkpinar uh my old gym #
Aspartime Withdrawels
mercuriasekai @ 2010-07-05T09: 38:00
How many new things this morning!
Arashi's new PV!
Ah I have not looked into reality! ^ ^ Congratulations to
Hiroki Narimiya for his 10 year career (so many?! But how old?)
an essay of Korean aesthetic sense here of the top 20 players in Korea:
not find that they could choose a better photo of Rain?! you can not take all his pucciosità that way!
How many new things this morning!
Arashi's new PV!
Ah I have not looked into reality! ^ ^ Congratulations to
Hiroki Narimiya for his 10 year career (so many?! But how old?)
an essay of Korean aesthetic sense here of the top 20 players in Korea:
not find that they could choose a better photo of Rain?! you can not take all his pucciosità that way!
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