At first I thought that the web was just an invisible network where to navigate.
At first I thought it was good stay away from the knowledge occurred in the web.
At first I thought it was impossible to establish a friendship in the web.
And I was wrong.
I met so many people, many have lost their way, but many more are still here. With some it feels thick, with others are also seen, but with two people in particular have a very special bond.
not want to repeat myself, I wrote a post some time ago which explained word for word what I feel for them. But there's more.
I have often heard parents say that we can not have them choose the friends. And it's true, but to a certain point.
I realized, especially in the web of friendships that are selected to "skin". It 's a whole virtual world, but to reflect the real word for word. Because you can also try to look like you're not, but inevitably what you really comes first or later. The dirty tricks do not hold too much. And for this, in a certain way, people will choose.
Elective Affinities. For friendships.
Call it a little as you like.
's inevitable that there will be stronger or weaker ties, and it is inevitable that there are preferences. Just like in real life.
As there is bound to be jealousy .
I do not believe, nor ever will hold me above the rest. They are not. Absolutely. And I do not like it when others do the same.
I learned in my life that a healthy dose of humility is what it takes - well, not always, there are times when an overdose is to keep on bulling best. But we also need a healthy dose of self .
And when something breaks - like friendship - the first thing you should ask: what happened? What I did to mess up everything?
And not assume that all the fault of others.
Why the blame is never any others.
Mistakes are made, even if you think you are totally right, and just a carefully chosen so that, eventually, take a road rather than another.
Sliding doors.
Just to return to my theme of that same post.
I will not mention anything in this post, because I realized that this is a story from which no one ever comes out - unless used are those two things I mentioned just above-but I just want to say that friendships, like flowers, are grown. Be watered, can be cured, let it grow freely. You can not force it. You can not expect that a rose changes its color. You can not expect to lose a jasmine scent. Neither a large plant that grows like a small flower, because inevitably die.
And for this you can not blame it on the side of the home gardener who tried to save the plant.
I know, maybe a chip only those who read will not understand a thing about what I wrote
XD But I do not care. They are thoughts that I carry around since last night, thoughts that annoy me, especially for a couple of things I can not speak here.
are random thoughts, as the title says.
Why I love my flowers, be they black roses or jasmine scented, and will never seek to change them.
I've taken care of, I helped them to survive, I've watered and grown. And I rejoiced with them when they bloom. I never tried to make them into something else. I never blamed anyone else for my failure.
And I love you with all of myself.
And if the gardener is convinced the side of the house have all the maturity and experience that should be trumpeting, you face an examination of conscience before screaming in the middle of the vegetable. Maybe it will come out a lot.
now, and I my conscience, we are okay.
A kiss to all the poor travelers who do not understand one perplexed chips.
and a splash of sunshine to my black rose and my jasmine. Auntie
An angelface
smiles to me Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
smiles to me Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
PS: I wanted to do far post, since my mom retired gardeners .*___*
God damn! XD
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