Well, gentlemen, thanks to the suggestion of
And when I landed here
And here's my new layout.
I can say that I love him? *____*
In fact, the idea was first pro Princyna a nice layout, I was also ready immyne beautiful, but then ... after the first attempt I think I'll keep this for a while. *___* But let
to another.
Yesterday morning meeting with friends. It was a lot of time and saw that there was some time that we had not seen all three of us alone.
breakfast outdoors, cappuccino and croissants, sun and talk.
He seemed almost to go back in time.
That 's what I appreciate the true friendship: although there see for a while, despite all three (four if one had not lost somewhere U_U) mess we have in place and not much light in some cases. But it's nice to get together and talk, talk, talk, about what happens to us or about us, the good things and bad, of those silly and funny ones. But still
been almost two months since the last time we saimo views. Two months and many things accaadute: tears, despair, laughter and incazzature.
But we're still here.
And that's how I like it, so I've always seen a friendship that has been going on for about 25 years and over 10 for the other.
Sometimes I wonder how it will, what will happen, but you never know.
And as someone said recently on TV "I wish life were a script for a play on, so I know the characters and know the ending." but life is not so.
And, again to quote this movie.
" EIST no small roles, only small actors. "
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