Sunday, June 29, 2008
Letter For Contribution For Church Anniversary
tagged by Eli, I am going to do this test.
1. Choose some of your characters. Five at most.
2. Big answer the following questions.
3. Then Tag three people.
Sting : Pungy for friends, aka Daisy O'Connell, lives at the time of Robin Hood, the former maid in the house of the Sheriff of Nottingham, is currently part of the forest where the gang unleashed all his pent-up anger. Try to hide in all the ways his feminine side, but is hopelessly in love with Will Scarlett.
El Gringo: the century Esteban Patterson for friends Steve. Outlaws in the Wild West in the period just after the Civil War. Duro, womanizer, not be touched by anything ... except that the eyes of a woman with a gun.
Judy: Judith Langley the century, his family is part of the New York elite, but she is an eternal tomboy, with a humor and un'autoironia very marked. Love always one of his childhood friends.
Cassie : a character in a RPG. At century Cassandra Melinda Aubrey, half-breeds who attends Hogwarts School of Harry Potter in the period (a year later). Gryffindor, nerd, an inseparable friend of Katie Bell Ginny Weasley, a sworn enemy of a couple of Slytherin.
Nedo : the century Nedorel akh Lorimar. He lives in the enchanted world of Aghirja, the land of the Dragons. Elf Blu unrecognized, he travels the world as a bard. His father had inherited the gift of a very strong family of Blue, which is to predict the future. Nedo also owns, but in his case is still latent, and if it comes out every once in a deadly form of visions. This is why friends are getting their fingers crossed behind his back.
1) How old are you?
Pungy: 20, but what do you care? Want me to tie you and torture? è__é
Steve about 25 and are a great guy.
Judy : Treasury: no one ever said that it is not polite to ask a lady's age? That is a lady. Oh, well, 27.
Cassie : Thirty played. And do not make comments of any kind!
Nedo : 'I know one! ? __? I'm an elf, I am fati'a deal.
2) Height?
Pungy : not much, but does not require the height to handle a sword properly.
Steve : a great big man, tall and handsome, you want to try mi amor?
Judy: In the rule, like everything else.
Cassie : neither too high nor too low
Nedo : BHA, I have always been high
3) You have bad habits?
Pungy : bad habits? I? Absolutely not. .
blink Steve: No, I am a gentleman.
Judy: A: always say what I think.
Cassie : mmm ... I eat nails
Nedo :? __?
4) Are you a virgin?
Pungy : What kind of questions do you? Meddling that you are! Just let drew my sword and ... * * ç___ç
Steve : Virgin? I? What are you kidding? El Gringo virgin! * Walks away chuckling *
Judy: Nope, virginity gone.
Cassie: No, I lost with my first love.
Nedo : ç___ç
5) Who is your mate?
Pungy : Comrade ç__ç
Steve: I do not have a girlfriend now, but I know who could do for me.
Judy: Um ... No.
Cassie : Forget it.
Nedo : mmm ... for now no, I'm still trying to figure out who I am.
6) Do you have children?
Pungy , but that children U__U
Steve : children? I never thought ... maybe my brother Nick is brought to bear children.
Judy: No, but I'd love to.
Cassie: No, no kids ... sometimes I wonder if I would be a good mother.
Nedo babies, mmm ... could be an idea
7) Favorite food?
Pungy : stew Friar Tuc
Steve : rabbit just kicked, grilled on wood of elder in the middle of the desert.
Judy : mmm ... whatever, as long as a sweet Cassie
: strawberries and cream
Nedo : fish stew Ondina
8) favorite flavor for ice cream?
Pungy : ice cream? O__O What is it? Are you kidding me? See you pierce! è_é
Steve : I agree with the above links and do a hand.
Judy : Chocolate, undoubtedly
Cassie: I agree absolutely with Judy
Nedo : freeze- that ? __?
9) never killed anyone?
Pungy : Many. But I prefer prodding torturing them with the sword.
Steve: Someone, yes, never to offend the Patterson brothers.
Judy : Killed? O__O but for whom I have taken?
Cassie : ç___ç maybe yes.
Nedo : well, no, I'm a bard ... I can not kill unless my music to be so disgusted. ç__ç
10) Do you hate someone?
Pungy : You bet! The bad bad woman of ill repute Emma Mark
Steve: Sure. Of my boots that lawyer Peter Franklin
Judy : hypocrites and bullies
Cassie : very often myself
Nedo : Nephentes, the Empress. It destroyed Aghirja
11) No secret?
Pungy : secrets? I? None.
blink Steve: I have a lot of secrets I instead
Judy: I am only one ... but I fear they know a bit 'all.
Cassie: I many.
Nedo : I have many secrets, so secret that even I do not know.
12) Do you love someone?
Pungy : Yes, Will Scarlett ç__ç
Steve : never loved anyone ... until I met Jessica.
Judy : Jake Cauldwell. Always.
Cassie: I loved it. But he finally chose my sister. And now ... I do not know.
Nedo : no, not yet.
13) Tacos?
Pungy : mmm? è___é want to die?
Steve: good tacos, if done by the Mexicans but
Judy : buooooni!
Cassie: no thanks!
Nedo :? __?
14) Have you ever stayed for a whole day?
Pungy : Yes, when I was beaten almost to death.
Steve : never, an outlaw to be awake and alert
Judy : no sleep, become a hyena then
Cassie: No, never.
Nedo : how could I? __?
15) Eye color?
Pungy : Brown
Steve : blue sea, very fascinating.
Judy : green, like my cousin, although she is more pussy
Cassie : green
Nedo : Blue, like everything else
16) Hair?
Pungy , but what break? I have brown hair: happy?
Steve : blacks and beautiful Judy
: brown and short
Cassie : long, blond curls
Nedo : Blue, like everything else
17) Grease / A - Normal - Skinny / a?
Pungy : no, thin as a sylph
Steve : Very handsome
Judy normal, like everyone else (as I start to speak Nedo ç__ç)
Cassie normal, even though I was skinny as a young man * sighs *
Nedo : normal, they are an elf.
18) Rain or shine?
Pungy : rain and storm
Steve : sun, rain, wind: I'm fine with everything mi amor.
Judy sun, definitely.
Cassie: I would say only, even though I love the snow
Nedo : I love Ondina.
19) Swimming Pool or beach?
Pungy : eh? O__O
Steve: I agree with Judy Pungy
: pool
Cassie : beach
Nedo :? __?
20) Camping or house?
Pungy :? __?
Steve :? __?
Judy : Hotel
Cassie : Hogwarts
Nedo : ç__ç
21) Dog or cat?
Pungy : definitely cat
Steve : fair enough, I love all
Cassie dog: cat ... * sigh * definitely
Nedo : my raven Nyden
22) Do you believe in aliens?
Pungy : I do not understand anything in what you say, now you do outside è__é
Steve: I agree again with Pungy (began to love this woman *___*)
Judy : no thanks.
Cassie: we lack only their
Nedo :? __?
23) What do you do to relax?
Pungy : goad someone
Steve: I try to upset Jessi Judy
: sofa, soft music, eyes closed
Cassie : when I go into my room at Hogwarts staff.
Nedo : I play the lute
24) Car or ship?
Pungy : All right, I'll kill è__é
Steve : the first I have no idea what it is, the second I know, but I prefer my horse.
Judy : car, hate the ship
Cassie : definitely prefer dematerialize
Nedo : ç___ç you do not you love me
25) What do you do?
Pungy : goad the world go by without the permission of Sherwood Robin
Steve: I'm an outlaw, not a job and I do not pay anyone.
Judy : work in the fashion house of my uncle
Cassie: I wanted to become a medimago, but I failed. Now I teach Transfiguration.
Nedo : I am a bard, how many times do I have to say? ç__ç
26) Something strange about you?
Pungy : I am a woman of the twelfth century, I dress as a man, use the sword and live among men in Sherwood Forest ... I look strange?
Steve: I do not remember the name of any of the women with whom I was
Judy: I hate to dress in a feminine
Cassie: I hated a person, who later became one of my closest friends care.
Nedo : make it rain when I'm angry.
27) Are you a boy or a girl?
Pungy : * sinks * sword
Steve: I'm definitely a man, I love
Judy, but a more intelligent question did not you?
Cassie: I agree Don Judy
Nedo : me. Am. A. Elf! è__é
Now I tag three people, but no untagged and I say to those who like the test, if it does XD
Saturday, June 28, 2008
5 Weeks Pregnant, Stll Hard Cervix?
Chronicle of a night in the Shadows of Time
Culochan writes: Samu
also has amber eyes as Viola, or not? I do not remember XD
Aunt with Princy Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: My Aunt
very dark with Princy Cippy writes:
almost blacks
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes: ok
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: I love sisi
Culochan writes: I love Franz
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
well sisi
Culochan writes:
and we all love Chris and Matthew YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
exact sisi
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes:
said that, I think that everything is perfect YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
perfectly perfect sisi
Culochan writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Culochan writes:
scores XD Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Partition characters sisi
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
divide as the most popular XD
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes:
yes XD
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
we should do it with all the other sisi
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
. ingrop
Culochan writes:
. bedd
Culochan writes:
YesYes ok we will YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: I could put it on
LJ xd
Culochan writes:
foul XD
I would say that Title says it all.
Shadows of Time is playing like a story ... is now becoming a saga XD
Culochan writes: Samu
also has amber eyes as Viola, or not? I do not remember XD
Aunt with Princy Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: My Aunt
very dark with Princy Cippy writes:
almost blacks
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes: ok
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: I love sisi
Culochan writes: I love Franz
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
well sisi
Culochan writes:
and we all love Chris and Matthew YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
exact sisi
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes:
said that, I think that everything is perfect YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
perfectly perfect sisi
Culochan writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Culochan writes:
scores XD Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Partition characters sisi
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
divide as the most popular XD
Culochan writes:
Culochan writes:
yes XD
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
we should do it with all the other sisi
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes:
. ingrop
Culochan writes:
. bedd
Culochan writes:
YesYes ok we will YesYes
Aunt Princy with Cippy writes: I could put it on
LJ xd
Culochan writes:
foul XD
I would say that Title says it all.
Shadows of Time is playing like a story ... is now becoming a saga XD
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Why Did I Wake Up Dizzy And Off Balance
Happy Birthday Reflections
Happy Birthday to my Squisy Laury.
10 years have passed since our last year in Brescia, indeed Botticino Sera XD. See you soon. We feel sometimes. But despite everything you're always in my heart. *
Happy Birthday to my Squisy Laury.
10 years have passed since our last year in Brescia, indeed Botticino Sera XD. See you soon. We feel sometimes. But despite everything you're always in my heart. *
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Port Royale 2 Black Screen
At first I thought that the web was just an invisible network where to navigate.
At first I thought it was good stay away from the knowledge occurred in the web.
At first I thought it was impossible to establish a friendship in the web.
And I was wrong.
I met so many people, many have lost their way, but many more are still here. With some it feels thick, with others are also seen, but with two people in particular have a very special bond.
not want to repeat myself, I wrote a post some time ago which explained word for word what I feel for them. But there's more.
I have often heard parents say that we can not have them choose the friends. And it's true, but to a certain point.
I realized, especially in the web of friendships that are selected to "skin". It 's a whole virtual world, but to reflect the real word for word. Because you can also try to look like you're not, but inevitably what you really comes first or later. The dirty tricks do not hold too much. And for this, in a certain way, people will choose.
Elective Affinities. For friendships.
Call it a little as you like.
's inevitable that there will be stronger or weaker ties, and it is inevitable that there are preferences. Just like in real life.
As there is bound to be jealousy .
I do not believe, nor ever will hold me above the rest. They are not. Absolutely. And I do not like it when others do the same.
I learned in my life that a healthy dose of humility is what it takes - well, not always, there are times when an overdose is to keep on bulling best. But we also need a healthy dose of self .
And when something breaks - like friendship - the first thing you should ask: what happened? What I did to mess up everything?
And not assume that all the fault of others.
Why the blame is never any others.
Mistakes are made, even if you think you are totally right, and just a carefully chosen so that, eventually, take a road rather than another.
Sliding doors.
Just to return to my theme of that same post.
I will not mention anything in this post, because I realized that this is a story from which no one ever comes out - unless used are those two things I mentioned just above-but I just want to say that friendships, like flowers, are grown. Be watered, can be cured, let it grow freely. You can not force it. You can not expect that a rose changes its color. You can not expect to lose a jasmine scent. Neither a large plant that grows like a small flower, because inevitably die.
And for this you can not blame it on the side of the home gardener who tried to save the plant.
I know, maybe a chip only those who read will not understand a thing about what I wrote
XD But I do not care. They are thoughts that I carry around since last night, thoughts that annoy me, especially for a couple of things I can not speak here.
are random thoughts, as the title says.
Why I love my flowers, be they black roses or jasmine scented, and will never seek to change them.
I've taken care of, I helped them to survive, I've watered and grown. And I rejoiced with them when they bloom. I never tried to make them into something else. I never blamed anyone else for my failure.
And I love you with all of myself.
And if the gardener is convinced the side of the house have all the maturity and experience that should be trumpeting, you face an examination of conscience before screaming in the middle of the vegetable. Maybe it will come out a lot.
now, and I my conscience, we are okay.
A kiss to all the poor travelers who do not understand one perplexed chips.
and a splash of sunshine to my black rose and my jasmine. Auntie
PS: I wanted to do far post, since my mom retired gardeners .*___*
God damn! XD
At first I thought that the web was just an invisible network where to navigate.
At first I thought it was good stay away from the knowledge occurred in the web.
At first I thought it was impossible to establish a friendship in the web.
And I was wrong.
I met so many people, many have lost their way, but many more are still here. With some it feels thick, with others are also seen, but with two people in particular have a very special bond.
not want to repeat myself, I wrote a post some time ago which explained word for word what I feel for them. But there's more.
I have often heard parents say that we can not have them choose the friends. And it's true, but to a certain point.
I realized, especially in the web of friendships that are selected to "skin". It 's a whole virtual world, but to reflect the real word for word. Because you can also try to look like you're not, but inevitably what you really comes first or later. The dirty tricks do not hold too much. And for this, in a certain way, people will choose.
Elective Affinities. For friendships.
Call it a little as you like.
's inevitable that there will be stronger or weaker ties, and it is inevitable that there are preferences. Just like in real life.
As there is bound to be jealousy .
I do not believe, nor ever will hold me above the rest. They are not. Absolutely. And I do not like it when others do the same.
I learned in my life that a healthy dose of humility is what it takes - well, not always, there are times when an overdose is to keep on bulling best. But we also need a healthy dose of self .
And when something breaks - like friendship - the first thing you should ask: what happened? What I did to mess up everything?
And not assume that all the fault of others.
Why the blame is never any others.
Mistakes are made, even if you think you are totally right, and just a carefully chosen so that, eventually, take a road rather than another.
Sliding doors.
Just to return to my theme of that same post.
I will not mention anything in this post, because I realized that this is a story from which no one ever comes out - unless used are those two things I mentioned just above-but I just want to say that friendships, like flowers, are grown. Be watered, can be cured, let it grow freely. You can not force it. You can not expect that a rose changes its color. You can not expect to lose a jasmine scent. Neither a large plant that grows like a small flower, because inevitably die.
And for this you can not blame it on the side of the home gardener who tried to save the plant.
I know, maybe a chip only those who read will not understand a thing about what I wrote
XD But I do not care. They are thoughts that I carry around since last night, thoughts that annoy me, especially for a couple of things I can not speak here.
are random thoughts, as the title says.
Why I love my flowers, be they black roses or jasmine scented, and will never seek to change them.
I've taken care of, I helped them to survive, I've watered and grown. And I rejoiced with them when they bloom. I never tried to make them into something else. I never blamed anyone else for my failure.
And I love you with all of myself.
And if the gardener is convinced the side of the house have all the maturity and experience that should be trumpeting, you face an examination of conscience before screaming in the middle of the vegetable. Maybe it will come out a lot.
now, and I my conscience, we are okay.
A kiss to all the poor travelers who do not understand one perplexed chips.
and a splash of sunshine to my black rose and my jasmine. Auntie
An angelface
smiles to me Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
smiles to me Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
PS: I wanted to do far post, since my mom retired gardeners .*___*
God damn! XD
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rt2300 Microsoft Driver
Memizzata I
tagged by
defenderxl I throw myself on the list.
List five things you love, one for each direction.
View: a starry sky
heard: the sound of a piano
Smell: The scent of flowers
Taste: Chocolate
Touch: hair
List five things you dislike, one for each direction .
Vista: a disgusting food
Hearing: the screaming
Smell: the dead chickens
Taste: bitter foods all
Touch: things like the soggy mire
actually finding one is not so easy, there would be many in each category.
But right now I think of them.
I should tag ten other people, but everyone I know has already been tagged, then nada XD
tagged by
List five things you love, one for each direction.
View: a starry sky
heard: the sound of a piano
Smell: The scent of flowers
Taste: Chocolate
Touch: hair
List five things you dislike, one for each direction .
Vista: a disgusting food
Hearing: the screaming
Smell: the dead chickens
Taste: bitter foods all
Touch: things like the soggy mire
actually finding one is not so easy, there would be many in each category.
But right now I think of them.
I should tag ten other people, but everyone I know has already been tagged, then nada XD
Thursday, June 19, 2008
How Much Does The Haro Bike F1c 2010 Weigh
be it! Random Thoughts
Well, gentlemen, thanks to the suggestion of
defenderxl I landed on Flexible Square .
And when I landed here
And here's my new layout.
I can say that I love him? *____*
In fact, the idea was first pro Princyna a nice layout, I was also ready immyne beautiful, but then ... after the first attempt I think I'll keep this for a while. *___* But let
to another.
Yesterday morning meeting with friends. It was a lot of time and saw that there was some time that we had not seen all three of us alone.
breakfast outdoors, cappuccino and croissants, sun and talk.
He seemed almost to go back in time.
That 's what I appreciate the true friendship: although there see for a while, despite all three (four if one had not lost somewhere U_U) mess we have in place and not much light in some cases. But it's nice to get together and talk, talk, talk, about what happens to us or about us, the good things and bad, of those silly and funny ones. But still
been almost two months since the last time we saimo views. Two months and many things accaadute: tears, despair, laughter and incazzature.
But we're still here.
And that's how I like it, so I've always seen a friendship that has been going on for about 25 years and over 10 for the other.
Sometimes I wonder how it will, what will happen, but you never know.
And as someone said recently on TV "I wish life were a script for a play on, so I know the characters and know the ending." but life is not so.
And, again to quote this movie.
" EIST no small roles, only small actors. "
Well, gentlemen, thanks to the suggestion of
And when I landed here
And here's my new layout.
I can say that I love him? *____*
In fact, the idea was first pro Princyna a nice layout, I was also ready immyne beautiful, but then ... after the first attempt I think I'll keep this for a while. *___* But let
to another.
Yesterday morning meeting with friends. It was a lot of time and saw that there was some time that we had not seen all three of us alone.
breakfast outdoors, cappuccino and croissants, sun and talk.
He seemed almost to go back in time.
That 's what I appreciate the true friendship: although there see for a while, despite all three (four if one had not lost somewhere U_U) mess we have in place and not much light in some cases. But it's nice to get together and talk, talk, talk, about what happens to us or about us, the good things and bad, of those silly and funny ones. But still
been almost two months since the last time we saimo views. Two months and many things accaadute: tears, despair, laughter and incazzature.
But we're still here.
And that's how I like it, so I've always seen a friendship that has been going on for about 25 years and over 10 for the other.
Sometimes I wonder how it will, what will happen, but you never know.
And as someone said recently on TV "I wish life were a script for a play on, so I know the characters and know the ending." but life is not so.
And, again to quote this movie.
" EIST no small roles, only small actors. "
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Watch South Park With English Subtitles
Communication Service:
Do not ask me why do I keep changing layout ...
not really even know me.
when I finally found something that satisfies me, I'll know .
Zia, Princy and all the other thank you for your attention.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Number Lock Of My Suitcase Not Working
Ad Inspiration
Yesterday spun smoothly.
Arrival at the Polytechnic Bovisa without too many hitches, apart from an overpass perso.XD
Stand construction in a short time, surrounded by slakers , thieves tacks, people made up over the ears and people that the word "clock" does not even know what that means. ^ ^ 'But above all
with our supervisor, a lady who was the spitting image ganzissima Miranda Priestley in "The Devil Wears Prada," with only a few chiletto more acidity and a little less. Back
smoothly, apart TiziaYarisBlu who went around trumpeting like mad, yelling at anyone while he was overtaking random.
But we are in Milan and everything is possible.
Homecoming, bite the fly and then ... Half an hour of the end of the world XD
hail as big as walnuts.
Result: delay in dance. But as the lesson was still intense and the choreography always lasts nine - NINE-minute and say, no problem.
rather strange day today.
Melancholy. This is the right definition.
Maybe because there's someone close enough, or perhaps because of this mood that I find myself dancing in this period.
Who knows.
fact is that I looked sad songs all day. And my iPod seemed to be on my same wavelength, as well as in a flashback from musicals.
The TV seemed to be in the same state, so that morning I found myself with pleasure on one of Sky TV, unbelievably, the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" * ç *
And I've sung the first 4 songs while cooking XD
But back to the sad moment, suddenly my iPod decided to ripropormi a song that I listened to a beautiful bit "A little over zero " by Elisa.
And for a moment I found myself with the mind to "Shadows of Time" remembering with poignant intensity the bit where I had decided to put it. And I wonder: will I ever write that part?
What Shall I do, just to feel
A little over zero, a little over
Now that I'm sadness
Now that I'm Gonna walk like it's for ever Gonna walk
Because It Would save
me And my fragility Could Kill me
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can give?
I wanted to just put this video tonight, to tell the truth, but looking for this song I found something so beautiful that can not be posted.
So, here: Wild Horses.
Yesterday spun smoothly.
Arrival at the Polytechnic Bovisa without too many hitches, apart from an overpass perso.XD
Stand construction in a short time, surrounded by slakers , thieves tacks, people made up over the ears and people that the word "clock" does not even know what that means. ^ ^ 'But above all
smoothly, apart TiziaYarisBlu who went around trumpeting like mad, yelling at anyone while he was overtaking random.
But we are in Milan and everything is possible.
Homecoming, bite the fly and then ... Half an hour of the end of the world XD
hail as big as walnuts.
Result: delay in dance. But as the lesson was still intense and the choreography always lasts nine - NINE-minute and say, no problem.
rather strange day today.
Melancholy. This is the right definition.
Maybe because there's someone close enough, or perhaps because of this mood that I find myself dancing in this period.
Who knows.
fact is that I looked sad songs all day. And my iPod seemed to be on my same wavelength, as well as in a flashback from musicals.
The TV seemed to be in the same state, so that morning I found myself with pleasure on one of Sky TV, unbelievably, the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" * ç *
And I've sung the first 4 songs while cooking XD
But back to the sad moment, suddenly my iPod decided to ripropormi a song that I listened to a beautiful bit "A little over zero " by Elisa.
And for a moment I found myself with the mind to "Shadows of Time" remembering with poignant intensity the bit where I had decided to put it. And I wonder: will I ever write that part?
What Shall I do, just to feel
A little over zero, a little over
Now that I'm sadness
Now that I'm Gonna walk like it's for ever Gonna walk
Because It Would save
me And my fragility Could Kill me
Is this the best I can be?
Is this the best I can give?
I wanted to just put this video tonight, to tell the truth, but looking for this song I found something so beautiful that can not be posted.
So, here: Wild Horses.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Eyetoy As Webcam Vista
me away
would be better to say something that took me the inspiration ... but never mind XD
So do a bit of the situation on the myriad of outstanding I've written, ever that our dear Miss Inspiration feels guilty and decides to return from vacation.
In Manufacturing:
Harry Potter
Stories from Correct or deal
Just a couple of things here XD
If the returns are not Miss sour cabbage.
would be better to say something that took me the inspiration ... but never mind XD
So do a bit of the situation on the myriad of outstanding I've written, ever that our dear Miss Inspiration feels guilty and decides to return from vacation.
In Manufacturing:
- "Seven Days"
- "The Heart of the Black Rose"
- "The warm winds of the South"
- "The Shadows of Time"
- "The Dark Knight and the Iron Maiden
- "Guns and Lace"
- "Heart of a Witch"
- "The Sons of the Dragon"
- "Princy vs Kury"
Harry Potter
- "Title to be defined"
Stories from Correct or deal
- "The Ballad of Heroes"
- "The Angel and the Vengeful"
- "The Fate of Love"
- Opera
- "Like the Butterfly Wings"
- Challenge with Defender
Just a couple of things here XD
If the returns are not Miss sour cabbage.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Annabel Chong Free Gallery
About Friendship
I do not want the usual post on friendship.
But last night on the radio talked about life events.
Sliding doors.
What would have happened if I had not opened those doors?
There are many doors that I chose to cross the my life, instead of others that would lead me somewhere.
've always been a scary one that thinks millemila time before making a choice, but there's a good thing in my character that, if I decide something, that is.
The school, work, love.
Friends are quite different.
friends do not agree, you choose a skin. Without thinking too much.
E 'as if there was a bond that runs through time, which takes you back to them.
Ok, let me say that I am a fervent supporter of the belief in past lives, too many things seem random but are not too many things are so intense you think that there can be only one. So meet people you seem to know already from eternity, who at first glance they give you a thrill, you attract people but for which you have the feeling that will bring trouble.
So it was for Stephanie, Sara, to Richard, Veronica and all the others, and then to Martha and Paola, the chips, for Simon, Massimo, Fabio and Emanuela. It 'been the same for Minka, the Squisy and the Angels. It 'been so for many who are still there, for others who have lost sight of and many that remain in my heart.
But I get carried away with thoughts and I'm losing the main building we sense of this post.
Sliding doors.
doors that open, doors that you decide to pass. It was August
Case for 2004 when there was talk of Notre Dame de Paris. An idea, a ride on the internet and we had tickets in hand for Verona.
Notre Dame de Paris in Verona was the charm.
Notre Dame de Paris to Verona was the beginning of everything.
The beginning of the passion, the beginning of music, songs, lap on the web to retrieve material. So it was that after
Verona 2004, there was Rome 2004. And the rest came from Rome.
By chance I heard of a forum of NDP, I signed up for the event, I eventually found many other small forums and even by chance, one evening, the tag of one of those forums, I read the conversation between two people.
Girlean_the_fool and SheCrow92.
I do not know why but the first impression on me terribly. (As I had hit Clopin XD, but that's another story)
I left a message tag and from that moment began a friendship first conversation in tags, from delusions in the forum, and then ending up with delusions MSN, stories, conversations series.
3 ½ years have passed since then, and nobody will ever out of my head that this meeting was not random.
Just as it was coincidence that, just with her, I was able for the first time to write. For the first time with her millions of stories, scenes I had in mind, have been transformed into words.
And from there to EFP the step was short.
Finishing up a new community was not easy at first, but I'm thrown. I met new people, but old and strong ties are not broken, with all its ups and downs has only strengthened.
And then he added a third element.
Some say three is the perfect number. In fact, the three often repeated in my life. At
Rowina18 was just a name on the forum, but a name that appealed to me.
For a long time I saw it as one of those "famous" of EFP XD (a bit like the "famous" person of Chattin, now AhMikette *__*) and I can not hide the fact that it was a surprise, as well as a great pleasure to receive its first review.
And from there started our friendship. In an exchange of emails before and after contact msn.
I can not say exactly when a simple knowledge has become something more, I have no precise memory, but what I know is that it was something so natural, that it is because of this that I can not say exactly when and how.
E 'was as if we had known each other forever. With both
. The Rise of the Triad
was an inevitable event. How inevitable was the link that you created.
simply had to be so.
The face to face meeting merely confirmed everything else, and once most made me think of what all the prejudices against web meetings are ill-founded.
Many people are surprised when I tell that two of my closest friends I have known over the internet. My parents were open-mouthed for the first day of my marriage, when they knew when it was the first time we vedavamo in person.
"There seems to always know!"
In fact I think it's right.
The Triad is known for two years now, just two years in this period.
In recent years we have been through a lot: happy moments, sad moments, tragedies emotional, psychological support and rebirth. But still we have a lot to overcome, because that's life.
But I often wonder how my life would be without you and the only answer that comes to mind is that it would be poor. It would be a life in which something crucial is missing, despite I have a lot.
These were our sliding doors, doors that would have prevented if we had not crossed the meeting of the Triad.
I do not know how it goes in the future, life is very low reserves and a lot of surprise. But we are strong and safe navigation and we'll make little girls.
And with that, I just want to say thank you.
Thanks for being there always.
I love you.
I do not want the usual post on friendship.
But last night on the radio talked about life events.
Sliding doors.
What would have happened if I had not opened those doors?
There are many doors that I chose to cross the my life, instead of others that would lead me somewhere.
've always been a scary one that thinks millemila time before making a choice, but there's a good thing in my character that, if I decide something, that is.
The school, work, love.
Friends are quite different.
friends do not agree, you choose a skin. Without thinking too much.
E 'as if there was a bond that runs through time, which takes you back to them.
Ok, let me say that I am a fervent supporter of the belief in past lives, too many things seem random but are not too many things are so intense you think that there can be only one. So meet people you seem to know already from eternity, who at first glance they give you a thrill, you attract people but for which you have the feeling that will bring trouble.
So it was for Stephanie, Sara, to Richard, Veronica and all the others, and then to Martha and Paola, the chips, for Simon, Massimo, Fabio and Emanuela. It 'been the same for Minka, the Squisy and the Angels. It 'been so for many who are still there, for others who have lost sight of and many that remain in my heart.
But I get carried away with thoughts and I'm losing the main building we sense of this post.
Sliding doors.
doors that open, doors that you decide to pass. It was August
Case for 2004 when there was talk of Notre Dame de Paris. An idea, a ride on the internet and we had tickets in hand for Verona.
Notre Dame de Paris in Verona was the charm.
Notre Dame de Paris to Verona was the beginning of everything.
The beginning of the passion, the beginning of music, songs, lap on the web to retrieve material. So it was that after
Verona 2004, there was Rome 2004. And the rest came from Rome.
By chance I heard of a forum of NDP, I signed up for the event, I eventually found many other small forums and even by chance, one evening, the tag of one of those forums, I read the conversation between two people.
Girlean_the_fool and SheCrow92.
I do not know why but the first impression on me terribly. (As I had hit Clopin XD, but that's another story)
I left a message tag and from that moment began a friendship first conversation in tags, from delusions in the forum, and then ending up with delusions MSN, stories, conversations series.
3 ½ years have passed since then, and nobody will ever out of my head that this meeting was not random.
Just as it was coincidence that, just with her, I was able for the first time to write. For the first time with her millions of stories, scenes I had in mind, have been transformed into words.
And from there to EFP the step was short.
Finishing up a new community was not easy at first, but I'm thrown. I met new people, but old and strong ties are not broken, with all its ups and downs has only strengthened.
And then he added a third element.
Some say three is the perfect number. In fact, the three often repeated in my life. At
Rowina18 was just a name on the forum, but a name that appealed to me.
For a long time I saw it as one of those "famous" of EFP XD (a bit like the "famous" person of Chattin, now AhMikette *__*) and I can not hide the fact that it was a surprise, as well as a great pleasure to receive its first review.
And from there started our friendship. In an exchange of emails before and after contact msn.
I can not say exactly when a simple knowledge has become something more, I have no precise memory, but what I know is that it was something so natural, that it is because of this that I can not say exactly when and how.
E 'was as if we had known each other forever. With both
. The Rise of the Triad
was an inevitable event. How inevitable was the link that you created.
simply had to be so.
The face to face meeting merely confirmed everything else, and once most made me think of what all the prejudices against web meetings are ill-founded.
Many people are surprised when I tell that two of my closest friends I have known over the internet. My parents were open-mouthed for the first day of my marriage, when they knew when it was the first time we vedavamo in person.
"There seems to always know!"
In fact I think it's right.
The Triad is known for two years now, just two years in this period.
In recent years we have been through a lot: happy moments, sad moments, tragedies emotional, psychological support and rebirth. But still we have a lot to overcome, because that's life.
But I often wonder how my life would be without you and the only answer that comes to mind is that it would be poor. It would be a life in which something crucial is missing, despite I have a lot.
These were our sliding doors, doors that would have prevented if we had not crossed the meeting of the Triad.
I do not know how it goes in the future, life is very low reserves and a lot of surprise. But we are strong and safe navigation and we'll make little girls.
And with that, I just want to say thank you.
Thanks for being there always.
I love you.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Big Booty Cartoon Blog
Two posts in one day.
Ok I'm exaggerating.
But before dinner with our remembered Zion trip to the USA.
Time: I state that I adored that trip with my whole being. I love this country enough to feel nostalgic.
The wide-open spaces, changing landscapes, the lunches out of the supermarkets, places, people.
I know, he may seem obvious, but for me it does.
We go back tomorrow if I could, I'd go again and I put the car on the road, aimlessly, with no idea, just travel and travel more.
Every place an image, a wonder everywhere different.
like it was yesterday I remember the smells of New York, shouting through the streets, the feelings in front of the Statue of Liberty, the emotions at Ground Zero. I remember the wind in San Francisco, the grandeur of Yosemite, the artificial wonder of Las Vegas and the unique beauty of small towns. I remember the magnificence unchanged dell'Arches Nationa Park, the quiet peace of the night to Monument Valley and a thousand, a thousand other things.
The long deserted roads, ghost towns, the colorful beauty of Bryce Canyon and the majestic Grand Canyon, animals, people and suitcases filled with more and more.
But most of all remember this the place that has impressed me most: the Death Valley.
What could be beautiful in a valley with no life? In a place where the temperature never drops below 40 degrees, where the heat is so strong to dry everything, to make the landscape a barren expanse, to make the air as the fiery breath of the devil?
I think I've always underestimated that place, was just one of many on the map, one of many before Las Vegas.
Arrival at Furnace Creek was in the hot mid-day total more ... 48 degrees!
With the temperature and an empty stomach it is difficult to appreciate anything.
XD But then in the afternoon with a couple of degrees lower and a full belly, on with the car (and air conditioning) to explore the surrounding area and you will see Bad Water, with its expanse of salt, with that warm wind seemed to rip the skin from the face, with the mirages in the distance, and then the Devil's Golf Course, Natural brigde with his warnings about snakes and Artist Drive. All you have already anticipated the beauty of that place.
But with the fall of the dark came the real surprise.
The night came on Furnace Creek without taking the slightest relief.
At eleven o'clock the thermometer was still 40 degrees, but the night had covered everything with his velvet cloak and just outside the lights of the shops and restaurant, everything is transformed into something magical .
The shell was a heavenly dark fabric quilted with a thousand diamonds that shone in all their glory in the moonless night. Stars, stars and even star in the eye, from one end of the horizon, in places where, here, does not believe that there are the stars. Dots as small as needles and other great big glittering stones and all over the black of night. And then a trail of fire and shooting stars, a myriad. A wonder
infinite. And I
there to fix everything, with the nose, unable to stop watching, unable to stop trying surprise, a wonderful summer without end. And while the wonder fills our hearts thoughts were running along with heartbeats.
And so back in the room, it seemed almost natural that flowed from the pen words ... words and even words.
August 10, 2007 DEATH VALLEY
as hell under my feet.
The wind ruffles your hair, his arms wrapping them with hugs and warm as those of an ardent lover. Hot
. Intense heat, like you've never heard, even with the darkness that fell mixing with eternity. No cool breeze in the night, no breeze, just that warm wind blowing furiously. Yet
not do not look at the sky above you, great in his black velvet, not do not stand there with the nose and mouth open staring at the expanse of shimmering diamonds, while ' hot air dries your throat and you will crack your lips.
not do not look at the wonder of creation with eyes wide open, with hardly even breathe.
Can not do it.
Millions of stars. As you've seen
not like you never even thought of seeing them, maybe even thought they were so many.
Stars who look at you in the eye, stars winking, smiling, stars that they stay there for billions of years to enlighten a world that not even see them in full. But now that
of their reception, t..
Now that they have to fill your eyes, to delight your heart.
They are above you and within you. And you
small, tiny in the vastness of this wilderness of stone and sand, shimmering look with open mouth, while at night surrounds you and the warm wind whips you.
But do not you know it. Lost in the immensity
the universe, contemplate the stars.
Two posts in one day.
Ok I'm exaggerating.
But before dinner with our remembered Zion trip to the USA.
Time: I state that I adored that trip with my whole being. I love this country enough to feel nostalgic.
The wide-open spaces, changing landscapes, the lunches out of the supermarkets, places, people.
I know, he may seem obvious, but for me it does.
We go back tomorrow if I could, I'd go again and I put the car on the road, aimlessly, with no idea, just travel and travel more.
Every place an image, a wonder everywhere different.
like it was yesterday I remember the smells of New York, shouting through the streets, the feelings in front of the Statue of Liberty, the emotions at Ground Zero. I remember the wind in San Francisco, the grandeur of Yosemite, the artificial wonder of Las Vegas and the unique beauty of small towns. I remember the magnificence unchanged dell'Arches Nationa Park, the quiet peace of the night to Monument Valley and a thousand, a thousand other things.
The long deserted roads, ghost towns, the colorful beauty of Bryce Canyon and the majestic Grand Canyon, animals, people and suitcases filled with more and more.
But most of all remember this the place that has impressed me most: the Death Valley.
What could be beautiful in a valley with no life? In a place where the temperature never drops below 40 degrees, where the heat is so strong to dry everything, to make the landscape a barren expanse, to make the air as the fiery breath of the devil?
I think I've always underestimated that place, was just one of many on the map, one of many before Las Vegas.
Arrival at Furnace Creek was in the hot mid-day total more ... 48 degrees!
With the temperature and an empty stomach it is difficult to appreciate anything.
XD But then in the afternoon with a couple of degrees lower and a full belly, on with the car (and air conditioning) to explore the surrounding area and you will see Bad Water, with its expanse of salt, with that warm wind seemed to rip the skin from the face, with the mirages in the distance, and then the Devil's Golf Course, Natural brigde with his warnings about snakes and Artist Drive. All you have already anticipated the beauty of that place.
But with the fall of the dark came the real surprise.
The night came on Furnace Creek without taking the slightest relief.
At eleven o'clock the thermometer was still 40 degrees, but the night had covered everything with his velvet cloak and just outside the lights of the shops and restaurant, everything is transformed into something magical .
The shell was a heavenly dark fabric quilted with a thousand diamonds that shone in all their glory in the moonless night. Stars, stars and even star in the eye, from one end of the horizon, in places where, here, does not believe that there are the stars. Dots as small as needles and other great big glittering stones and all over the black of night. And then a trail of fire and shooting stars, a myriad. A wonder
infinite. And I
there to fix everything, with the nose, unable to stop watching, unable to stop trying surprise, a wonderful summer without end. And while the wonder fills our hearts thoughts were running along with heartbeats.
And so back in the room, it seemed almost natural that flowed from the pen words ... words and even words.
August 10, 2007 DEATH VALLEY
as hell under my feet.
The wind ruffles your hair, his arms wrapping them with hugs and warm as those of an ardent lover. Hot
. Intense heat, like you've never heard, even with the darkness that fell mixing with eternity. No cool breeze in the night, no breeze, just that warm wind blowing furiously. Yet
not do not look at the sky above you, great in his black velvet, not do not stand there with the nose and mouth open staring at the expanse of shimmering diamonds, while ' hot air dries your throat and you will crack your lips.
not do not look at the wonder of creation with eyes wide open, with hardly even breathe.
Can not do it.
Millions of stars. As you've seen
not like you never even thought of seeing them, maybe even thought they were so many.
Stars who look at you in the eye, stars winking, smiling, stars that they stay there for billions of years to enlighten a world that not even see them in full. But now that
of their reception, t..
Now that they have to fill your eyes, to delight your heart.
They are above you and within you. And you
small, tiny in the vastness of this wilderness of stone and sand, shimmering look with open mouth, while at night surrounds you and the warm wind whips you.
But do not you know it. Lost in the immensity
the universe, contemplate the stars.
Come on then, also opened this space.
and why? You probably wonder, as a personal blog I already have and not even the update too.
Well, I should be so and not break the chestnuts. XD
Then I found a title that I like so much. And this is the second reason.
The third, though not least, is that it is a wonderful time. I will not tell why and wherefore, at least not in this post, there will be many opportunities to speak of this ... always remind me to post on this blog.XD
What can I say: it's Sunday, has just finished the Flood - Turtles from the ground were ready to go on the Ark - I sold the damn Rescorn September on Flyff and now look back to her husband. What do you want more from life? A
Lucan for sure.
A bit of nutella. And a
* Auntie has divine illumination *
The protein is just what it takes young people.
Although it would take quite a flame at the moment, but perhaps it is asking too much. XD
Come on then, also opened this space.
and why? You probably wonder, as a personal blog I already have and not even the update too.
Well, I should be so and not break the chestnuts. XD
Then I found a title that I like so much. And this is the second reason.
The third, though not least, is that it is a wonderful time. I will not tell why and wherefore, at least not in this post, there will be many opportunities to speak of this ... always remind me to post on this blog.XD
What can I say: it's Sunday, has just finished the Flood - Turtles from the ground were ready to go on the Ark - I sold the damn Rescorn September on Flyff and now look back to her husband. What do you want more from life? A
Lucan for sure.
A bit of nutella. And a
* Auntie has divine illumination *
The protein is just what it takes young people.
Although it would take quite a flame at the moment, but perhaps it is asking too much. XD
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