Title: Philosophies of absurd everyday
curious similarity
[144 words]
Death, you know, like anyone and I certainly can not blame you no one wants to discuss these topics but I really want to talk about death in my humble opinion, do not make those faces!
Just because an item does not mean I can not take my ideas and then for what I do to burn the dead and lives I see plenty of them every day! Also collect their ashes, and if I let some experience, maybe it will be for my poetic soul, but every death has something fascinating and unique but ultimately, poetry aside, the dead man is dead and the cigarette is burned, and both will become ashes. We
ashtrays are nothing more than a grotesque imitation in miniature graves a bit bigger, both guard instill the same thing.
[144 words]
Death, you know, like anyone and I certainly can not blame you no one wants to discuss these topics but I really want to talk about death in my humble opinion, do not make those faces!
Just because an item does not mean I can not take my ideas and then for what I do to burn the dead and lives I see plenty of them every day! Also collect their ashes, and if I let some experience, maybe it will be for my poetic soul, but every death has something fascinating and unique but ultimately, poetry aside, the dead man is dead and the cigarette is burned, and both will become ashes. We
ashtrays are nothing more than a grotesque imitation in miniature graves a bit bigger, both guard instill the same thing.
here's delusions about what to bring ashtray!
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