Here is a nice play to steal
Make a list of your twelve favorite characters from HP, in no particular order. Once you've made, click on the cut to read the questions. But first make a list, or you'll be tempted to cheat XD
1. Draco Malfoy
2. Harry Potter
3. Remus Lupin
4. Severus Snape
5. Pansy Parkinson
6. Charlie Weasley
7. Lucius Malfoy
8. Narcissa Black
9. Blaise Zabini
10. The Weasley twins
11. Sirius Black
12. Ron Weasley
Here the questions and my answers ...
1) Have you ever read a fanfiction Six / Eleven?
A Charlie / Sirius? No, never. But it would be interesting. Given that there are two alpha males indubitable, I suspect he would find a way to fuck at the same time, while not having to go through the steps ...
2) Do you think Four is hot? How sexy?
Severus? Well, if I think of Severus Nykyo, perhaps not too much. When I think of Alan Rickman Severus, complete with black cape flapping, I get a little hot ...
3) What would happen if Twelve pregnant put Otto? Ron
with Narcissa? Lord have mercy! The poor Draco would syncope. But I would pay to see the face of Lucius ...
4) Do you remember some fanfiction on Nine? You can write a review?
A story centered specifically on Blaise no, I can not. But in "Bite me, hate memes" of Pir8facier Blaise Zabini is a stinging, yet wonderful. Not to mention Blaise's titanic "Big dick as quick."
5) Two and Six would be a good couple?
Harry and Charlie? As to Charlie's "A Tale of horn" like a lot, the answer is always no. * Grin *
6) Five / Nine or Five / Ten?
with Blaise or Pansy Pansy with the twins? No doubt, with the twins. You feel the howls from porn films to four blocks away ... ;-)
7) What would happen if Seven sorprendesse Two and Twelve having sex? If Ron sorprendesse
Lucius and Draco? I always vote for the good old heart attack. But when Lucius is Secrets of the man of the world, I suspect that both Oblivia and seriously reconsider the possibility to finally give his blessing to the relationship between Harry and Draco ...
8) Make up a summary of the plot for a fanfiction Three / Ten.
A Remus / twins? "The Little Red Riding Hood has never been afraid of the big bad wolf. In fact, if the big bad wolf are eaten alive ... "
9) There are stories fluffy One / Eight?
Draco / Narcissa? It sucks even write the pairing ...
10) Suggest a title for a Hurt / Comfort Seven / Twelve.
Lucius / Ron. "Lentils Red will not have my scalp ...
11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
Severus / Draco. Brrrr ... "Severus not dying to do it. But if Draco kept us so long to get to the first appointment with Harry with a little 'experience in sexual matters, the poor would satisfy the professor. "
12) Is there anyone on your friends list that reads Seven slash up?
Slash on Lucius? Luciana, no doubt. Salome has also written one. And then there's Arc en Ciel. And maybe Vale.
13) Is there anyone on your friends list to read Three het up? Lori
Quote: "Het on Remus? Are you sure it exists? Okay, just kidding ;-) "
14) Is there anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Well, Ny queens and Boll malevolence. Sirius more than that ...
15) Is there anyone on your friends list write Two / Four / Five?
Harry / Severus / Pansy? But why would anyone write such a thing?
16) What might Ten scream at the height of passion?
The twins? They would make so much mess that you could not make out the words ...
17) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose?
A song-fic about Narcissa. I would be silly to do and say "W mom." But I do not know why, but I've come up with a bang "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush. Do not ask me why ...
18) If you wrote a fanfiction One / Six / Twelve, such warnings should you use?
Draco / Charlie / Ron? Incest threesome (but go?). However, I should also add "written under the influence of something very heavy, "because I could not write such a thing even as a drunk. I really should be drugged, and trust me, a bit 'of marijuana is not even enough to begin with ...
19) With that sentence could groped Ten to try two?
twins with Harry? "Come on, you know that Lori like us all three together ..."
20) When was the last time you read a fic about Five? Centered on
Pansy do not know. But for sure, "Bite me" Pir8fancier is in pole position.
21) What is the super secret perversion of you?
Charlie Weasley? Extreme fisting with big hands of Hagrid. Just kidding!
22) Nine Eleven fuck ever? Drunk or sober?
Blaise and Sirius? Apart from the small detail that Sirius is dead, I doubt it. Too little, too black, too Slytherin. But with a good incentive alcohol and Blaise-whore of certain stories, I do not know if we would make the poor Sirius to say no.
23) If Three and Seven were together, who would it be active?
between Remus and Lucius? No doubt, Remus. Everybody knows that Lucius is the more passive queer history. Just read OTP ...
24) "One and Nine have a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, with a broken heart, a night of passion with Eleven and a brief and unhappy relationship with the Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three. "What title would you give this fic? She cites three people on your friends list will read a story like that. Then citania one should write it.
Draco and Blaise have a happy relationship until Blaise suddenly runs off with Severus. Draco, with a broken heart, a night of passion with Sirius and a brief and unhappy relationship with Ron, then follows the wise advice of Pansy and finds true love with Remus.
Apart from the fact that Draco night of passion with us night and that he would find true love with Harry, the only possible title would be "Beautiful". If it was written well and with the right amount of humor, believe that the law of several people I know. How to write ... Well, point to Vale, which I think would be an evil genius to write crack! Fic ...
25) How would you feel if Seven / Eight was canon?
Lucius / Narcissa? It 's a few pairs of canonical JKR not to blast ....
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