has stolen
Pick something I've written and comment to this post with That selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on your choice: what I was thinking when i wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the character's heads, why I chose Certain words, what this moment means clustering in the context of the rest of the fic (fic series, fic universe), lots of awful puns, and anything else That you'd expect to find on a DVD commentary track.
In Italian, pretty much: Choose between a fic I've written so far and comunicamelo in a comment. I will post mileage on the object of your choice: what was I thinking when I wrote it because I wrote it in the first place, what little heads bobbing in the characters, because I chose that word and not another ... etc.. etc..
Fico, I really like this meme!
Come forward or (rare) visitors of this LJ useless. And remember that the translations do not apply!
I requested a list of the stories in order to avoid unnecessary confusion (conoscendomi. ..)
- Old recipes for
- Look at change in form after form for
- Happy fucking birthday to
- Nature Viva for
- For Your Eyes Only for
- Study in Black and White for
- Weekend for