Do ignore me, quotes from Shakespeare are a clear sign of my impending madness. Double drabble because this is, indeed, a two-hundred-words flash story, posted here because my usual archive, Nocturne Alley, decided to go on strike. No idea about the end of the unrest. Right now, we’re all like small orphans, a group of little Harry Potters really perplexed and already showing withdrawal symptoms… ;-)
Anyway. Two hundred words written for
Story under the cut. It's in Italian, just so you know ... (Italian version of following the link)
ignorant of the quotations from Shakespeare are a clear sign of my mental instability. Double drabble because it is in fact a double drabble, 200 words round, published here because Nocturne Alley at the time decided to go on strike. No idea on the end of industrial action. And now we are the orphans, many little perplexed and in Harry Potter withdrawal
... ;-) Anyway, 200 words written round
Author: Grace
Beta: Lori
Rating: PG-13
Plot: To LauraDumb. Why yes. Harry, Draco and an important goal.
Warnings: perhaps a little sloppy? ;-)
"Harry?" Draco called, entering the apartment she shared with her boyfriend.
Harry went to meet him, embraced him tenderly.
Draco smiled. "Laura called me into his office today ..."
"I hope not to try again with you," Harry interrupted him with an amused grin. The head of Draco who flirted shamelessly with him always amused him.
"No, idiot. Since I presented, does nothing but ask you. I bet if he knew that teaching, trying desperately to pass for a student ... Anyway, I said that the study is seeking a new associate. "
Harry's eyes widened. "E? Next, what else? "
Draco allowed himself a satisfied smile. "He said they are currently one of the experts to design magic on the ball. What if I'm willing to, quote, me an ass like that for the next five years , the place is mine. "
Harry said nothing. He just make him stronger and Draco to pounce on her mouth.
Harry's tongue, which moved and excited about his life was the most beautiful than Draco could imagine to receive the congratulations of her man. The concept of happiness
idea did not seem so Gryffindor from that perspective ...