OOC, Mary Sue and sclero various Well, no, basically I have nothing to say, I just felt that this page I've created a prey to delusions of boredom was a little empty. That's it.
The truth is I was thinking about something very stupid, but I've got the heart, which is rampant in the OOC fanfiction. As I discussed a few days ago with a girl. I put a premise: I'm one that cares if a character is almost totally unable to turn it around. But I do not mean to make fun of putting it in the sense in situations idiotic, because what I did, and I will always do it with anyone and then I also accept that anyone else does. The thing that bothers me is the fact that recently a big-too-big piece of fanfiction that contains characters that I encounter, no target to offend, they suck. At least, compared to the original ones are crying. For my part, I lead the 'sudden urge to leave the review of construction-infamous claim that all, but I do not think they'd love to hear-even if the laziness and "live and let live" take over. I'm just fanfiction. But, yes, it hits me a lot. Also because it is not just isolated cases, maybe! - But as I said at least 60% of fic coming out now. And I was good, too good. Especially with reference to the beloved section of Kingdom Hearts, who only attended less than facebook and also in public. And the beloved Organization XIII.
I mean, honestly, I think the thing that is slightly warped. I understand fans being crazy, but ... In short, these poor fellows have no more dignity. For some it is still good in the sense that they appear so often so that even if at times have hurt you put a lid on it. And here we are talking about people like Axel, Roxas, Demyx. Because they are suitable for all, where you put them are fine, they are kids so you can make anything you want. Without hope that I read, of course, but is not serious, do not read what I read others.
also tell it clearly: I do not like Axel. Like little, just enough to put it in the stories when needed. True that I've made a BDT, but drabble, one hundred words, hurry fast (oh my God, are 100, not so fast XD but I have fun, come on). So we understand very well which side I am.
Axel, as I said, it is used so often that fanfiction in which they are found almost inevitably IC. But what about those who appear every blue moon? Lexaeus he gets, his version of fanon is silent then says nothing more than 's whole story. But others .... sigh! Xemnas, Zexion, Vexen, Marluxia, characters that I love more of a 'more and are characterized .... You know the 'killer instinct? Their versions fanon I do this effect. I read some "things" and get to the end with the jaw to the floor and eyes now go out of their sockets, they do appear to be in the hands and feet and beat writers. And I can only think, "My God, what the hell I just read" or something similar, but mostly I just shake my head and remember to think twice before reading qulcos' atro same author. Even explain how we will deal with these characters, you already know. In the limit went to look for videos on youtube and Fed Giuli, and you have the originals from which they were copied to the characterizations of the fic. Yes, please copy. Spit. Not even a minimum of imagination, even now the situations are the same, to the point that I begin to wonder if a lot of fan fiction by various authors are in fact the same person that makes so many copy and paste, change a few details and the public in five or six different nicks .
Or am I something wrong ... But really, it makes me fall down arms' s idea that Xemnas Vexen or IC are fic in two out of ten. Including my own. Maybe not write for perfection, but I am committed in what I do to get a result as similar as possible to 'original. And people are mad, or does not know what he says when I reviewed, or really get the desired result.
Come on, really.
Related to this is also the increasingly widespread phenomenon mary-sue. I think everyone knows that the term "Mary Sue" is going to define a character of an invention of the writer / matrix which, when placed in a primitive, took the reins of history, and resolves, with many difficulties' and adventures, complicated mysteries. In the most 'optimistic outlook will also have' also at his side, the most coveted girl or boy in the story. In addition, it will be 'with extraordinary powers and beauty incomparable, will ', without doubt, capable of taming any fair and be loved by every male character if not the entire team. Course will hide 'untold secrets and thanks to his wonderful intervention will save' the world.
Mary Sue in 'Kingdom Hearts universe, just to stay on the subject are a few possibilities.
-the newest member of 'Organization, chick who runs away from home and questions his own existence, which has only the name of Nobody with X, which has more emotions of a human being. But there is already Roxas that he does first, better and with greater commitment of any squinzietta emo / existentialist.
- Disciple Ansem the wise, intelligent, but by dark secrets. But we have six, who have combined worst of Hurricane Katrina, which you can write about anything and everything.
- Last but not least: the guardian of kayblade chosen to save the worlds. But .. and Sora? Sora already does its job without problems.
Ok, in many cases it is necessary to invent new characters in 'original lacks. Like, say, the ice cream dealer DiZ. You can not put Cloud to make the milkman. You have to invent. And so if you want to do a what if? with new guardians of the keyblade. But it must be something new, not a clone official character.
Some of the original. Maybe not you Axel. O Demyx. O Zexion. For goodness sake, are the latest to question the appeal of Zexion, and there are many advantages in a guy nobody, one in particular. The marks date back to school. No fear of hurting her feelings. No Sunday to get bored waiting for it to end to watch the football game. No risk of stomach to put up or lose their hair. Creative uses of illusion.
course there is the risk of an exponential increase in traumatic deaths among neighbors. And imagine presenting it to friends and relatives: "It 's an alien, more or less hostile. Try not to irritate because it has a habit of breaking my heart to people or imprisonment in a book. "
Why, why, why, every new female character appoliparsi looking for someone? Then do not try to make speeches about how the emotions have not Nobody. Or have or do not. It is not that they have, but only in dramatic moments, while in normal humans can afford to do. Oh no.
'I do not have emotions, but m'incazzo, hate the people and fight to live.' No, man. You do not have emotions, so do not t'incazzi, not hate, you have no ambitions, you have no curiosity, you do not want, when you're not afraid of a hit to death with a spanner. You stand there, with all the personality and the reactivity of a pudding. This is without. Not worth even the explanation: 'I have only memories of the emotions, so what I feel are false'. Emotions are a psychological state, not ancillary. Can not be false. If you feel they are still true and there is nothing strange about that are caused by memories. Indeed, can be caused by memories of an event, when it happened, had caused different emotions. This also works in the world KH, as Sora, Riku and Kairi feel emotions remembering his friends. So, it makes no sense that what applies to them can not apply to others. Now, do not exclude that there is a difference, but if it is not explained, I reserve the Directive to consider crap. And 'why is it so' do not think an explanation.
Sometimes, to show the lack of emotions of nobody, they do become sadistic, masochistic, depressed. When later you becomes histrionic or sociopathic, ignoring the fact that these personality disorders are associated rather to an excess of emotion, not its absence. And this I caught in some of the stories listed.
Then there are the usual exceptions. Ok, that's fine if you explain why these are the exceptions and no, that is to say that Roxas is Sora because evidence was human emotions, because I can answer that is Xehanort, then, by analogy, should Xemnas Except as Roxas. But no. Why?
And Axel? Because in millemila fanfiction concerning him is excluded emotional apathy of others?
When I find things like that to me is the effect of a punch in the face. How ... boh, worse than the story set during World War I where the people talking on the phone.
The internal consistency is essential. A story can be set in a world more or less realistic, more or less possible. The important thing is that once established the laws that govern it, whatever they are, the more respectable and if for some reason, they crash, you have to give reasons why, it consistently, do not throw things there random without that they have a source and a consequence. This also applies to the consistency of character, psychological and historical. If not, it's just bad bad characterization and contextualization.
Unfortunately, there are very few cases. Maybe because it's not something blatantly obvious, and if the servant of the Marne with the Motorola peck it all, I'm not sure that everyone knows what it speaks when it comes to emotions. Or maybe because the explanation is considered canon, although the canon, in fact, saved smartly for a corner. I will not explain this because I do not like, who wants to know knows.
And I will stop this thing because I already have written it more for me, if someone came up to the end has my respect!
I must say that I have done as a reopening xD nice discorsone